Chapter 8: The Virus

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The next day, I went to Starr Force spacecraft airport with Ruffs, Mirai, and 4 others: Sadella B. Yond, Peter Nowaschar, Connor Abandist, and Sven Garea. The 7 of us were on our way to the Virus's whereabouts. As we approached, we saw 5 large, green lights in the sky. It appeared that there were several Virus-sent insectoid machines giving off these lights. The machines proceeded to fire fast, dangerous balls of energy at us.

"What do they want with us?!" quivered Sven. "Isn't it obvious?!" Mirai exclaimed, "They want us and all other life dead!" I got up, leaped into my capsule, and flew towards the machines. Two of the machines merged together and speeded towards me at Mach 8 as I shot beams at them. When I saw that they were unaffected, I looked in awe. Each of these machines had a forcefield over them that prevented damage from the beams.

"These machines are completely shielded from anything, even from each other," I thought to myself, "so I've gotta brainstorm some plan." After a moment of thinking, I lured the fused machines towards the ground, where they would crash-land. I fired penetrating beams at the other 3 machines until their force fields were down, causing them to retreat.

"That was easier than expected," Peter said. "So far so good," I said. "Now isn't the time to abort our mission," Ruffs ordered, "The Virus is still out there, and it still wants us dead or alive."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2022 ⏰

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