Chapter 1

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Webster's dictionary defines a hero as, "a person who is admired for great or brave acts or fine qualities."

Katie sat in the dead of night sitting on the floor of her living room watching yet another late night special on the events of Sokovia, and New York, and Washington and how in the center of it all were the Avengers. Once upon a time Katie thought they were heroes, but at this moment and over the past year, she didn't feel like much of one. She didn't feel admired, because the world was split between those who supported them and those who thought they should be locked away.

She flicked off the television when she saw the lights flicker from outside. She stood to her feet and walked over to the window, and peeking through the blinds.

"This has to be some kind of record or something." came the very rough, sleep filled voice of her husband from behind her. He walked over peeking through the window as well to witness the scene of her brother stepping out of a red pickup truck and walking around to the drivers side and leaning in for a very long and disgusting kiss with the blonde behind the wheel. "Isn't that the librarian?"

"No, that is the teacher." Katie muttered with a shake of his head. "My brother is such a man whore, it's ridiculous." she turned to face Clint, whose hair was very wild above his head, and she chuckled. "Did the lights wake you?"

"No, the empty side of our bed woke me up." Clint said before walking over and placing a hand on the side of the television and sighing. "Still warm." he turned back to Katie. "This is getting crazy."

"To you it's crazy. You're fine with just walking away."

"No-" Clint stopped taking a deep breath and lowering his voice to not wake the sleeping child upstairs. He walked over to stand in front of his wife. "My whole life I only knew one way of living and then I met you and you changed everything-" he pointed to the ceiling. "That little girl up there, changed everything. So no, it's not easy for me to just walk away, but when I see what I'm walking toward, when I see what's waiting for me on the other side, that makes it a little bit more bearable."

The front door opened, and the sound of a low humming came from the man who was obviously a bit intoxicated. Matthew suddenly stopped when he spotted Katie and Clint standing there in the dark.

"I know it's past curfew mom and dad, Jimmy had a new toy and I guess time just got away from us." Matthew joked before going into a fit of laughter. "Why the hell are you two up?" he pointed to Clint. "You're usually dead to the world, and you're-" he pointed to Katie. "You're usually sneaking back upstairs in hopes that no one notices that you're having trouble sleeping." the man shook his head before turning and walking toward the kitchen. Both Katie and Clint followed the man, just as he pulled a carton of milk from the refrigerator and brought it to his mouth.

"So when is this vacation of yours over?" Clint asked before the man could drink from the carton. "I mean I'm sure the CIA is missing it's top agent."

"Oh stop with the flirting, my sister is right there." Matthew said looking over to Katie who rolled her eyes before walking over and plucking a glass from the cabinet and placing it in front of her brother. "Is this your way of telling me to use a glass."

"It's my way of telling you that if your mouth comes in contact with that carton, I will rip it off." she replied with a smile before turning to Clint. "I'm going to bed now." she walked over to the man who brought an arm around her. "You coming?"

"In a minute, I'm going to talk to Matt for a moment." Clint replied glancing over to the man whose head was in the refrigerator. "I'll be right up." he placed a kiss to her lips before the woman pulled from his grasp and disappeared out of the room.

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