Chapter 4

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Katherine Barton told herself when she had her daughter, that the days of crazy was over. There would be no more putting her life in danger, no more taking unnecessary risks. One day in Bucharest changed all of that, and now she finds herself in a small room, with the walls painted an awful shade of blue staring at herself in a two way mirror.

She tilts her head slightly to see how bad the gash on her forehead is. It stings, but it doesn't look terrible. Her eyes trail down to her dirt covered clothes and the bruises on her knuckles. The entire thing was just so bizarre. German officers burst into Bucky's apartment and bullets went flying. Adrenaline took over, because she can barely even remember much of what happened. By the time everything finally slowed down, Bucky and Steve were gone, somewhere, she doesn't know because she ends up in the middle of the street surrounded by guns all seeming to twitch at the chance of putting her down. And now she's here waiting. Her eyes glance back up to the mirror. She knows there's someone on the other side, someone looking right there staring, studying her. With a shake of her head, she turns and walks back over to the only thing in the small room. She walks over and sits, and folds her hands on the table.

"At some point I hope you figure out the whole torturous wait thing is more annoying than anything." Katie muttered with a yawn. "You know what, I'm just gonna take a nap." the woman dropped her head to the table, closing her eyes and as if on cue the door finally opened, and she heard the sound of heavy footsteps.

"Sit up Banks." came the serious voice of Secretary Ross. Katie let out a heavy sigh, before sitting back in her seat and folding her arms over her chest as she watches the man take a seat across from her. The man silently stares at her as if waiting for a reaction. Katie simply tilts her head before turning back to look over to the two way mirror. "You have no idea how deep in the shit you are right now." Katie turned to the man with a quirked brow. "Conspiring with a terrorist-"

"Before this even begins, where is Bucky?" Katie asks and Ross scoffs with a shake of his head.

"I would worry more about yourself right now Ms. Banks." Ross said and Katie turned away, when he once again called her by a name he knew wasn't hers. "James Buchanan Barnes, set an explosive that killed a dozen world leaders. And then we find him and he's with you. An accomplice."

"You're a sad, sad man General." Katie replies and she can see the slight twitch of his eye at her refusing to use his correct title. "Bucky didn't set an explosive, and I'm not an accomplice to anything. During the UN meeting, Bucky and I were in Bucharest where we were found."

"You know I would be inclined to believe you if I didn't have video evidence placing Mr. Barnes at the scene."

"Well if you have video evidence, then I would have your tech guys going over the footage, because it's fake." Katie replies with a shake of her head. "Whoever really blew up that building wanted you to think Bucky did it, wanted you to go after him and wanted you to bring him here."

"And why would said person want that?"

"You know I don't know but I figure since we're all here, we'll probably find out pretty soon." Katie replied with a shake of her head.

"SHIELD really did a number on you, didn't they." Katie turned meeting his eyes. "Well Ms. Banks I think you should know that you'll never see sun light again, you'll never see your husband, or your daughter." Ross stood to his feet and buttoned his jacket before glancing back over to the woman. "I'm finally gonna bury you." the man turned and headed for the door.

"Proof." Katie finally said and the man stopped and turned to her. "You have a story, implicating Bucky, somehow implicating me. So you have a video proving Bucky set those explosives, what do have on me besides an innocent trip to Bucharest."

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