Civil Wart

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Tonight was an event at the town's theater where everyone in wartwood gets to watch a play. Ah, Theater night. The one night a month we come together, watch our stories, and forget all our horrible, horrible troubles hop pop said in sadness along with the kids sighing in sadness as well. Now who wants popcorn? The elder frog back being cheerful and pull out bags of popcorn behind his back "Oh, me, me!/I do!/I love fresh poppy popcorn!"

At the seating ground, david, anne, and the plantars look around seeing everyone have taken their seats until sprig spots one open seat left, it was the front seat in the middle of the theater. Oh! Right in the middle! Dibs! "That seat is mine!" Polly shouts "Not if I get there first *The two sibling race towards the last seat, but just when polly was about to take her prize. Suddenly sprig falls down from the sky and landed on the stump taking the win* Boom! "No fair. You have appendages" Polly said Tut-tut. Sprig, give Polly the seat hop pop said to sprig making polly perk up "Say what? Come on, Hop Pop. I got here first" sprig grunted That's what older brothers do, Sprig. They look out for their little sisters. Now, move that rump over to that stump the old frog said as he points his thump to a really moldy rotten stump. Which is right next to anne and david as they respectively share the same log together.

Sprig gasp as he looks down onto polly seeing that she gaves him a wink as the older brother walks over to the old stump, when he sat down the stump deflated like a balloon. Bummer, dude anne said (sighs) It's just not fair. Just because she's a little younger, she always gets special treatment "(grunt) believe me little bro, I've been there" david said agreeing what sprig is saying "my little sister, isabella. She annoys the hell out of me. I mean it's f*cking ridiculous she because she is SOOOoooo much prettier and younger she get's all the special attention in the house why, WHY IS THAT?! David exclaimed in frustration. After seeing her friend say all that about his sister anne tries to ease the two boys "well, I'm an only child, so I don't relate. All my parents' attention was focused on me. And it was... awesome" she said putting on her shades "(blows raspberry) Lucky you" sprig said in annoyance as mayor toadstool walked up on stage. All right, now. Everybody settle down. I have some bad news. The acting troupe had to cancel on account of...well, being eaten on the way here toadstool said informing his frog folks as they all started booing "We need our stories!" Mrs. Crooker yelled but just  everyone were about to go crazy, anne step up and gets everyone's attention "Hold up, everyone. I have something that might work. It's called a 'movie.' It's like a play, but totally better" she said as the crowed began murmuring to each other "A Moovie?"

Minutes later, Anne props her phone against her shoe onstage as a frog places a giant glass panel in front to magnify the screen "Thanks, Chad, local glass artisan" yep chad said as he walks out "Okay, so tonight I'm going to be showing the timeless classic Love Choice, which has always been one of my favorites because--" just start the movie! Mrs. Croaker yelled "(laughs) you got it" anne said as she press the play button on her phone but the movie didn't start "damn it" Anne quickly returns as she presses button again, before finally starting plating.

(Narrating): In the not so distant future, three grounded yet supernatural teens must navigate their feelings if they hope to survive "Wait, how could they be both grounded and supernatural?" Hop pop asked only to be hush by anne. [Oh, Hunter. I know that together we'll make it through this nightmare.] [Constance, my cybernetic abs belong to you and you alone.] *Hunter lifted his shirt revealing his techno abs as they started flashing colorful light and making every frog say in awe* Hmm, Polly likey she said intrigue by what she's seeing ".

[I know I said I liked Hunter, but I can't help but be drawn to you as well, Alastair.] [May I sing you the traditional song of my people?] Alastair said as he start to me deer sound "I like this Alastair. He's ethereal, yet approachable" sprig said liking the character already.

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