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"We are here today to pay final respects to our honored dead." Kirk said solemnly as he gently pulled the United Federation Of Planets' flag off an empty casket.

"Saying goodbye is always hard, especially to such a beloved member of our crew," he continued, "But Lieutenant Tirok did not die in vain. They selflessly gave their life to preserve ours. Lieutenant Tirok was a brave, intelligent young person with a bright future. But this is not truly goodbye. Tirok's memory will never leave us. They'll always be here– one way or another."

The crew stood at attention as the casket neared the ejection point.

In a final act of solidarity to the Lieutenant, Captain Kirk held up a ta'al, the crew mirroring his gesture.

The empty casket was ejected into space, among the stars, right where the young Lieutenant belonged.


Spock sat alone, reading Mac'hla's letter over and over again.

Their messy cursive that was nearly illegible read perfectly clear to Spock.

He placed his thumb over the print that Mac'hla had left, frowning.

"You have become a father figure to me."

He gently placed the letter down, careful not to damage it, and steepled his fingers.

"...cursing me for my illogical actions...I know, inside me, that this is the only logical path."

They had been right. It was the logical decision, however, they should not have been the one to make it.

What struck Spock most though, out of the entire letter, was one phrase:

"The ship needs a Commander more than it needs a botanist."

Spock realized that they hadn't even considered the fact that the ship might need them for who they were– just Mac'hla. A young Vulcan from Netrek with a silver tongue and golden heart.

Not a botanist, not a Lieutenant. Just Mac'hla. He wondered if she had ever realized the impact she had on those around her.

Sure, she certainly wasn't perfect. Quick to anger, argumentative, stubborn... but that made them them.

Spock looked out at the stars, feeling consumed by guilt.

How illogical; being affected by the loss of someone. Death is a part of life. To be hurt by what is inevitable is illogical.

But damn it, she wasn't supposed to die! 

Spock stood, straightening his uniform.

Things would continue, with or without the Lieutenant.

Spock entered the bridge and stood by the Captain, appearing no different than usual.

Jim looked up at him and offered him a sad smile.

And just as it should, life continued like normal.

"Captain," Uhura said, looking up from her communications board, "Incoming message from an unknown vessel."

"Patch it through." Kirk said, turning his chair to face her.

She pressed a button and Kirk said, "This is Captain Kirk of the USS Enterprise." Through the speaker came a somewhat muffled and static response.

"This Is Lieutenant Tirok, requesting permission to come aboard." 

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