Truth Or Dare

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Clink, clink, clink.

Rosé enjoyed that sound, the metallic and ringing sound of the heels of her boots against the marble floors as she stalked across the hallways. Beams of moonlight streaked over the floor in front of her, lighting her path in a natural manner, which was much appreciated, considering how dark it was in the museum right now.

"It's too bad more people can't see the art in here after dark," she commented, pausing at the mouth of the hallway and taking a deep breath as she observed it all. The high balcony above her, the white and gold blending on the walls, the sleek black security gate that was a mere annoyance, instead of a safeguard like the security comforted themselves with.

"Well, considering what you're doing right now is illegal, I don't think that's quite the situation most people want to find themselves in," Jisoo replied through her earbud.

"We're not thieves, we're liberators of the fine arts. Some of these paintings are just rotting away here..." Rosé reminded her, taking a tool out of her belt and slipping into the chinks that she was looking for. She waited for the definite click, and then pulled up the gate, chuckling under her breath. Jisoo had disarmed the alarm system already, so it wasn't a shock that nothing went off, but still, all it'd taken was a little pushing. Where was the challenge anymore?

"Oh, jackpot." Rosé breathed. The room back here was display only, adorned with the museum's finest and rarest pieces. Some of them were the only copy in the world, and one might think that was reason enough to keep them secure, but no. They were out here, for anyone's taking, almost begging to be freed with their polished frames and glinting glass.

"The alarm's only going to stay off for twenty more minutes, so make it fast," Jisoo said, sounding a tad impatient.

Rosé couldn't entirely blame her. It was never all that fun being the getaway driver in the middle of a heist, waiting at darkened curbs and trying to look as unsuspicious as possible. But Jisoo didn't have the delicate touch and stealthiness like Rosé, so she was always reduced to waiting.

"It'll take me fifteen, tops. I'll let you know when I'm out of the high-risk zone." Rosé told her.

"Copy that."

Jisoo disconnected, and Rosé hummed to herself as she began to slide the first painting off the wall, making sure to be careful setting it in her knapsack. The highest bidders were going to enjoy this one.

Clink, clink, clink

Rosé's head snapped up, attention diverted from the next painting as she wheeled around.

The security? No, it can't be, they weren't anywhere near this floor.

The footsteps grew closer, and a ray of moonlight from one of the windows threw the source into relief.

Rosé groaned.

"Of all nights you could've picked, you had to infringe on mine."

Jennie looked back at her calmly, tossing a lockpick from glove to glove as she walked forward. She was part of the Black's operation and a constant thorn in Rosé's side. They would've owned this city by now if not for Jennie and her pain-in-the-ass furtiveness. And she always left behind a taunt, for Rosé to find, in the form of her lipstick pressed against the blank white canvas of an index card.

"The way I see it, you leaving that gate open is an invitation for anyone to help themselves. Not the route I would've chosen, but it's your call, isn't it?" Jennie shrugged, her gaze landing on the next painting in line. A cool smile curved her mouth and she stepped forward.

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