Why am I not surprised(Chapter 1)

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Have you ever wanted to be normal and be like everybody else? If you have then I think I have you beat in how much I want to be normal. Don't believe me? Well have you ever woken up in your neighbors pool before. Actually let me rephrase that. Have you ever woken up your neighbors summer home 500 miles away from where you went to sleep?

Yeah that happened to me. Now let me explained.

I don't know what happened to me but when I was about 12 years old I would wake up in strange places. At first it was little places like the bathroom or my closet. Then they started to get more extreme such as waking up in your neighbors rose garden. Eventually it got so bad that I would wake up in the gas station down the block.

My parents eventually took me to specialist and figured that I was sleep walking and I just needed some medicine and treatment to keep it under control. Psh that only lasted about a week.

I kept waking up in strange places so my parents assumed I was still sleep walking so they did the only thing possible. They binded me to the bed when I slept. I know kinky right. But that didn't last long either because I woke up in my school the very next morning. When we went to check the bed it was perfectly fine with the lock still attached.

It wasn't till I was 14 I discovered why this was happening. When I was in middle school whenever I got distracted and was walking I would always end up in some weird place in town without realizing it. I always thought it was because I was distracted and didn't focus.

This one time I was on a walk with my parents and I was distracted because I was thinking about this one boy-yes I'm gay and open about it since 5th grade-when I found myself 2 blocks ahead of my parents. When they catch up they look really surprised at me. I ask them what's wrong and when we got home they told me I disappeared and reappeared right in front of their eyes.

At first I thought they were just pulling my leg but soon after I realized they were right. Ever since then I have tried to control my teleportation power. After 3 years of practicing I can almost control not to teleport in my sleep or in public. I have tried to be able to teleport where I want but it never works out. I can make myself teleport but unless where I teleport is around 10ft from where I am, I usually end up in some random place.

This Summer though me and my family moved from my home town in Westcrook to a new city across the country named Crescent Bridge. It isn't bad here actually. I've already met somebody like me named Cameron Dallas. He also gained powers at around 13 but his powers are super speed. I've only met one other person with powers and that is my best friend from back in Westcrook Matt. I'll tell you about him later.

Right now though me and Cameron are getting ready for the first day of school. He slept over last night, so he can take me to school because I don't have car yet. Hopefully I can have control of power soon so I can just teleport to school.

"hey are you ready," Cameron asks outside the bathroom door.

"yeah," I say as I put the finishing touches to my look. I walk out and see him texting someone on his phone. He is smiling so big I know who it is. It's his longtime crush and best friend Nash.

"when are you going to tell him that you like him already," I ask him while walking into the kitchen.

"I can't tell him I like him. He's straight as a arrow. It will ruin our friendship I can't have that," he tells me. I just roll my eyes at him and say,"arrows can be bent." This time he rolls his eyes. "Besides didn't you tell me he has been becoming more possessive with you when you came out gay. You even said that he almost got into fight with Rupp because he got "too close" to you. He's totally into you," I tell him.

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