Super power list

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This a list of the characters powers. This is to help you and me(because I have a terrible memory). Hope it helps. Oh also if you have any recommendation for powers write it down please, because I'm running out of power ideas. Thank you.

Power: telekinesis-moving objects with your mind
Affection chemical-release a chemical into the air that causes other people to release chemicals and hormones that is present in love and desire.
-Weakness: doesn't work on people who are already in love(as in a significant other) with somebody else or is in love with the person with the power.

Power: teleportation

Power: super speed
Fast healing

Power: super strength
Impenetrable skin

Power: cryokenesis-ice powers
Immune to the cold-the cold never bothered me anyway

Power: pyrokenesis-fire power
Immune to heat

Jack G (have I mentioned his powers eh whatever)
Power: metal skin
-metal is stronger than diamonds

Jack J
Power: moving through objects

Power: invisibility

Mahogany(kind of complicated and long)
Power: chemical manipulation-she can release chemicals with in herself and to others that will affect her or the other people.
-It can be released in the air, liquids, skin to skin contact, touching something that somebody else will touch
Immune to toxins, drugs, and chemicals if she wants to
-she is immune to Taylor's affection power and could make a chemical so others can be immune
Immune to diseases
Rapid healing

Power: unknown

Power: super smart
Photographic memory

Power: mimicry-you can show him something and he can repeat it and remember it
-weakness: he can only do what you teach him. If you teach him badly he does it badly. If you teach him a song on the guitar that's the only song he will be able to play

Dolan twins
Power: turn into animals

Chris Collins
Power: shape shift into other people

Power: hydrokenesis-water power
-can freeze water

Kyra Reyes

Power: can locate other humans and mutants.
Know if somebody is human or mutant

Power: electricity absorption, amplification, and reduction

Power: magnetism

Power: heighten people's nerve cells to the point it can cause pain

Power: Can duplicate himself

Power: unknown

Power: can absorb energy and solid matter

Power: Creates illusions by drawing on himself

Power: levitation

Power: can give people energy
-Take away pain
Can amplify other Mutants powers

A/n: did anybody see the teen choice awards yesterday. I didn't because I didn't know but congratulation to Cam and Shawn. Shawn and Taylor were both there so we all know what they did in the bathroom *wink wink nudge nudge* Do any of you not see yesterday's chapter. Some people said they didn't. Go onto my account I wrote it in the post message thingy. I hope this was helpful see you later and thank you for reading

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