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Milwaukee bucks vs Boston Celtics May 9th 2022

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Milwaukee bucks vs Boston Celtics
May 9th 2022

The boys were headed down to Milwaukee and Jayson could feel his nerves waving in. Recently he had a conversation with Toriah about how he didn't appreciate how she went at Alexis neck.

The second Jayson started to explain how that guy was using Her, Toriah instantly had to chuck Alexis's name in there for no reason.

Jayson was not feeling her energy at all.

Him and Alexis were a couple now so she had to accept it regardless of her jealousy. And respect Alexis. She had too, and besides Jayson was terrified of her finding out.

The couple only started dating that same day and it's been about a month since that incident occurred.

For the most part everything is going smoothly not to mention the finals was around the corner. But  Jayson feels like Alexis is hiding something from him.

"Bubba what's going on you you've been zoned out for like 5 minutes. Plus I've been calling your name." Alexis stated softly as Jayson snapped out of his daze.

"Im aight. Just thinking about the game that's all." She frowned a little, this was not the Jayson she knew.

He never just got nervous because of the game clearly there was more to the story.

"Just about the game huh..." She stared him down giving him a intensive look.

He tried maintaining eye contact but miss girl was way too intimidating for this.

"Fuck man. Come over here." He looped his lanky arms around her waist tugging her closer, so that she was standing in between his legs. As he sat on the counter of the kitchen.

"Toriah's coming to the game with Deuce." Jayson revealed, he played with the strand of Alexis jet black wavy weave that she recently got installed.

Thanks to Miss Brandy's connections.

"I know." She rubbed his broad muscular like shoulders relieving the tension formed within them.

"And you're not mad?"

She shook her head." Oh I'm pissed. Absolutely livid. I can't see her the same after she's been talking shit behind my back. But who else is gonna bring Deuce back the five-O."

Jayson let out a light hearted chuckled at how well she seemed to be hiding her feelings. It was great that she was trying and being mature.

"You right." Jayson caressed Alexis back and went further down to her butt cupping it. She rolled her eyes biting on her lip.

She knew damn well that if she continued to let him fondle on her like that, homeboy was gonna end up missing the game.

"Okay enough with that Mr. We gotta go." She says touching his chest.

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