Chapter Two

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Aerglo had spent three nights in the Red Keep, and he still hadn't acclimated to what he considered the wretched life in King's Landing.

In the courtyard, he brandished his sword at Ser Rodrik while numerous guards were in the midst of their training. Ser Rodrik was the one his father had assigned to him, ensuring he trained with someone loyal to their house. Aerglo sported his hair half-up, a bun atop his head with white locks cascading over his shoulder. His sparring match with the master-at-arms had drawn a small crowd.

Aerglo deftly toyed with his sword, shifting it from hand to hand as he awaited his opponent's opening move. He reserved his first strike for life-and-death situations, not for training bouts. To onlookers, it might appear that he was waiting for his opponent to make the first move to gain an advantage in a future skirmish.

It didn't take long for the action to begin. Ser Rodrik raised his sword toward Aerglo's head, but the young Perzys swiftly evaded, crouching low and then leaping to strike his master-at-arms on the side. Aerglo had a reputation for fighting dirty, a fact Ser Rodrik was well aware of, but he hadn't anticipated a headbutt as he recovered from the waist blow.

"Gods, that hurts," Aerglo complained as he felt the thud of Ser Rodrik's headbutt. Swiftly, the young Perzys pushed his master-at-arms aside and positioned his sword at the man's throat. He was fast, and he had often been considered the best, second only to his brother.

"By the gods, Aerglo, we're sparring," Ser Rodrik protested, accepting Aerglo's extended hand while quickly wiping his nose, which was starting to bleed.

"Why don't you spar with someone allowed to beat you?" Aerglo hadn't noticed Criston Cole's approach, let alone the presence of the prince behind him. The sudden voice startled him, earning a crooked smile from Aemond.

"Why should I spar with you when your training partners have lost an eye?" Aerglo questioned Cole, gesturing at Aemond, who smirked again. However, Aemond's eyes betrayed no emotion, unlike his lips.

"Why not face me if you think I'm so incapable?" Aemond challenged, but Aerglo chose to ignore him. He placed his practice sword atop the weapons rack and began removing some of the armor encasing him. "You won't disregard your prince," Aemond insisted, causing Aerglo to turn toward the castle.

"I do not engage in combat with those disloyal to me, Prince Aemond. My house and I remain loyal to the Targaryens, but I cannot speak for others," Aerglo replied, halting midway and turning to face the prince. He offered a curtsy before continuing toward the castle.

As he proceeded, Aerglo heard the footsteps behind him, and he doubted it was his master-at-arms, who was likely gathering the left-behind weapons and armor. Unsurprisingly, he saw Aemond's blond hair brushing his shoulders as the prince approached.

"How did you lose your eye, by the way?" Aerglo inquired, briefly glancing at Aemond's eye patch, noting the ever-present sarcastic smile on his face. The older Targaryen's handsome facial structure and the air of mystery brought by the eye patch didn't escape Aerglo's notice.

Aerglo had always been attracted to men, but it was a secret he intended to take to his grave. He had never experienced the touch of a man's lips, although he had tasted it several times from women. He was not willing to take the risk and would rather carry that secret in silence than face the shame of being judged for his preference.

Aemond had always stirred something within him, even when they were children. Watching him then had not been a problem, and now, it was even more enticing, though he would never act on his desires.

"It doesn't matter," Aemond replied, but he continued to walk beside Aerglo.

"Did a prostitute attempt to legitimize her bastard and, when you refused, claim your eye?" Aerglo probed, aware he might be crossing a line. Yet, Aemond responded with his trademark sarcastic smile.

Aerglo (Aemond Targaryen x Male OC)Where stories live. Discover now