Chapter Six

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A/N No Aemond in this chapter, sorry.

Aemond had returned early in the next morning to King's Landing, Ellaria had been sent north, not as expected, but taken hostage. They didn't trust her anymore, Maekar had confessed to Aerglo, there were whispers from her ladies-in-waiting that led him to believe.

OldCastle Castle could hold more days for the soldiers and Aemond, but Maekar wanted a funeral with just the two remaining family members. He had found his wife's body, thrown to the dogs. Her funeral would be symbolic. The two brothers, and their father, had been sewn their heads with their bodies by the silent sisters and placed on top of piled stones, on the same island Aerglo had invited the prince to.

They weren't quite sure if they could wake the volcano, but only Maekar and Aerglo remained for the consummation, riding Maekar dragon Morghul. The three bodies were laid out on the rocks and burned on the cry of Maekar's Dracarys.

The volcano woke up. Earthquakes were felt all over Westeros and a part of Essos, but nothing of a very large magnitude. When a dragon rider dies, everyone should feel it. When three die in a tragedy, the people should more than feel in their hearts

The two watched from afar as the volcano woke up and flew higher and higher, like the waves. The volcano was the red dot in the immensity of the blue sea, and his family like a bomb in the ancient paradise of Aerglo. His comfort point, which was his family, was gone, as was his place. And it was the saddest assimilation he'd ever made.

"Gaomi daor ȳdragon rȳ īlva dombo, isse quptenka udrir" We do not speak between us anymore, in common language. Maekar ordered his brother, who nodded. Entering the throne room in the palace. It was a giant space, the path to the seat, smooth. On the sides, the same dragon head carved several times with its mouth open, without traces of gold. They were black as night and as big as the real thing, despite their once-green color. It was the dragon the Perzys had brought when they left Valyria, Uēpa. There were at least six on each side, up to the throne, which, unlike the Targaryens, was with the bones of ancient dragons that had passed through their house, in a form of homage.

It wasn't comfortable at all.

A new counsil had approached the two of them, bowing. A meister with several letters in his hand, that indicated the feelings of the other families, not that they are really true.

"I will not read now. Leave me." As soon as they came, they left, again bowing in a sign of respect. The two walked towards the throne. "Nyke jorrāelagon naejot mazverdagon sure iksi iēdrosa pazavor. Īlon won't nābēmagon bisa, kesan mazverdagon īlva menter sagon ūndegīon hae īles. Nyke jorrāelagon ao arlī isse se mele gaomagon" I need to make sure we are still loyal. We won't loose this, I will make our house be seen as it was. I need you back in the red keep.

"To jorrāelagon nyke kesīr" You need me here. Aerglo rejected it, seeing his brother sit where his father once sat. Pain gnawed at him, but he wouldn't cry anymore.

"Nyke jorrāelagon ao konīr, daor naejot jurnegon syt iā ābrazȳrys, daor paktot sir. Īlon jorrāelagon naejot ūndegon qilōni emi isse dārys tegorīr, Visērȳs kessa sagon morghe aderī."I need you there, not to look for a wife, not right now. We need to see who we have in King's Landing, Viserys will be dead soon. Maekar had already taken his position as head of the house and Aerglo was proud of his thoughts, even if they upset him.

"Kesan mazverdagon ñuha art. Pār nyke henujagon." I will make my art. Then I leave. "Eman skoros mazēza naejot gain aemond pāsagon" I have what takes to gain Aemond trust.
Aerglo bowed to his brother on the throne and for three weeks, many of those days spent without sleep, he worked on a portrait of Aelar, his ten- and eight-year-old brother, and their twin Maenarr, the two on each shoulder of their father, Maekar.

The boy was positioning himself to write a letter directly to King's Landing, specifically Aemond.
Prince Aemond.

I'm sorry for not responding to you, but my head was out of your space. I'm working to honor my family and helping my brother with our loyalty recovery. We are known for that and because of the tragedies that happened, it was broken. I ask you to help me protect my sister in King's Landing, I feel that she may not be treated well, I also ask that you pay attention to Zaldritzos; I miss him as I miss you. I will be in eternal payment for what you did for me and my family. I will return to the red fortress in less than a month.Thank you for everything.Sincerely, Aerglo from the Perzys house.

Aerglo rolled up his letter and went after the Meister to send the crow, running through the castle, also looking for his brother, who would likely be in the council chamber. In between those two weeks, which Aerglo had spent locked in his room, Maekar decided that the name Stark was synonymous of loyaltu, and he was making a deal with the family, and in a few days they would travel to meet the dragon's blood and take him a wife.

Aerglo was expected to have the other sister as his wife, but it was not in their interest to have two wives from the same house, it was illogical.

Aerglo passed by his studio and looked at the painting he had done. The boy had a gift, it was passed down in his family, the gift of art, but with him, the Gods wanted him to be perfect and he was. All traits were faithfully portrayed and it was like looking at them one last time. The boy had a photographic memory, in addition to having skill with art and he was grateful, because he couldn't spend hours looking at his dead family.

He picked up the already framed painting and again ran towards his brother. Every step he took his heart eased, his heart burned from the lack of contact with his dragon and even for small steps inside the castle, his function there was done. The comfort it brought to finish the tribute to his family didn't warm his heart the same way that would have if he wasn't away from his other blood.

The pain of a Perzys being away from his dragon was greater than many imagined, the symbols on his body hurt as much as his heart. He knew he could recover better alongside Zaldrītsos, for he was also his body and soul, his own soulmate.
Still running through the castle, he slipped, reaching the council door, two guards on hand.

"Open it." He ordered and so they did. The figure of six men, he watched their arrival, almost panting. "Tetan bisa ñāqatubis" Finished this morning. He explained to his brother. "Gentlemen." Captivating the beings, Aerglo gave a short salute. "If you'll excuse me" Maekar was looking at his brother with a small smile on his face, he'd stormed into an important meeting, pretending to be polite and was now pushing away everything on the table. Aerglo saw his brother at the head of the table, and three men, a meister, a coinmaster, and two Aerglo didn't know, but he was sure one was some soldier who'd been made commander of OldCastle.
It was a piece at least eight feet high and five feet wide. It took up half the table.

"Make copies. Hang it where everyone can see it. I need an entourage to King's Landing today." Aerglo proclaimed, with his appearance dismantled, some of the council believed that the coin had been traced to Aerglo as well, but the madness of being forever away from his family and his dragon was heeded in his being. Maekar looked at the painting and let out the smile that hadn't appeared on his face in moons, the council members were impressed too, it was like seeing those who had departed again. "I want all my gear with me in King's Landing. All." He stated and his brother stood up, catching his uncontrolled speech in a hug, and Aerglo cradled there. He finally calmed down.

"Kirimvose lēkia, aōha irudy means sīr olvie." Thank you brother, your gift means so much. "We'll hang it up in the throne room, and I want smaller copies made. Bring in the best artists, if they get a third of what Aerglo did, it's something to remember who they were." Maekar released himself from the embrace and Aerglo put his hand in his pocket. Feeling the precious stone your father had given you.

"Goodbye."He wished and walked out of the room. "I Forgot, forgive, send to King's Landing, to Aemond." He said turning to the meister. And again he left the audience watching him with a look of humor. Finally Aerglo left the room.

Maekar was proud of his brother. He had lost everyone, but if he had lost Aerglo, he would be in madness.

Aerglo (Aemond Targaryen x Male OC)Where stories live. Discover now