Y/n has a crush???? (12)

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✩Real life✩

✩Real life✩

When i see the boys just sitting on the couch i give Nick a surprised look.

I grab Nick by his arm draging him outside.

Y/n: "What the fuck, Nick you told me were gonna be alone."

Nick: "Ok so they weren't supposed to be here Matt was supposed to hang out with some dudes and Chris had a date."

Y/n: "Wait hold your horses, Chris had a date?"

Nick: "Yeah, why?"

Nicks words hurt me, i was the one ignoring Chris but still got jealous. Do i like Chris? No, no way i do we've known each other only for a week. But what if i do?

Nick: "Helloo y/n you good?"

Y/n: "Yeah, I'm good."

I guess he could hear in my voice i wasn't.

Nick: "I'm sorry y/n, Matt said he wants to talk to you. We can go to you're house if you really don't wanna see them, but i think you should talk to Matt."

Y/n: "I'm not mat about that, but sure I'll talk to him."

We both walk back in the house.

Now both of the boys are looking at me. I walk up to matt.

Y/n: "You wanted to talk?"

Matt: "Uhh yeah, come let's go somewhere private."

I followed him and we walked in his room.

Matt: "Ok look y/n, I'm sorry if i made you uncomfortable by kissing you."

Y/n: "No it's fine."

Matt: "No, its not i should have at least asked before i got even close to you're lips."

Y/n: "Ok Matt its fine, but i only see us as friends, in fact best friends. I'm sorry..."

Matt's face turned sad.

Matt: "It's ok y/n, i thought you liked Chris anyway."

Y/n: "What? I don't like Chris."

Matt: "Come on y/n I've seen how you look at him, how he always makes you smile, you always blush around him, you definitely like him."

Y/n: "Whatttt no i don't, i only like his gorgeous eyes, his silky brown hair, i love how he makes me laugh all the time, he has a perfect personality, hes caring and kind to everyone, he honestly makes me happ- Fuck I do like Chris."

Matt: "Dude he so likes you back."

Y/n: "Yeah a doubt that."

Matt: "You both are so blind. Wait let me get Nick in here."

Matt goes out of his room, coming back in a few minutes with Nick.

Y/n: "Ok what is this?"

Nick: "You like Chris?????"

Y/n: "I mean yeah i guess."

Nick: "He likes you back, remember how i told you he had a date after school?"

Y/n: "Yeah, thats proofs my point if he did like me he wouldn't go on a date with another girl."

Nick: "No i told him to go on that date, because you were ignoring us, and he cried the other day because he was heartbroken about you kissing Matt."

Matt: "So Nick told Chris to go out with someone to get you off his mind, because he thought you liked me."

Y/n: "Ok thats so confusing."


Sorry this is short i dont have motivation to write right now, but still wanted to update you guys.

Also 269 reads???? I literally has 65 a few days ago, thank you so much, this meant so much to me.

Remember to eat and drink, and also snacking is good

Words: 587


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