dating? (14)

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✩Real life✩

Content waring: Making out (again)

✩Real life✩

Chris's pov:

I gave up on trying to get in Matt's room. I walked to mine.

"Why the fuck did i have to say that, i obviously like her" i thought to myself.

If i just fucked up my only chance with y/n i might aswell just kms.

Matt and Nick soon got home. I could hear them trying to get y/n out of Matt's room.

Nick soon stormed in my room yalling at me

Nick: "What the fuck did you do? Why is she sad?"

Chris: "None of your business."

Nick: "Chris tell me right now or go apologize."

Chris: "I already did, she didn't wanna see me."


He yelled at the top of his lungs.

He was really mad.

Chris: "NOTHING, I DID NOTHING, she's just a bitch."

Me and Nick both gasped.

Nick: "What the fuck is wrong with you, she's literally the nicest person ever."

Chris: "Wait no i didn't mean it"

Nick: "Save it Chris, can't believe she actually liked you."

Chris: "I know."

Nick: "Is that why she's crying? Did you reject her?"

Chris: "Its hard to explain."

Nick: "No Chris it's not, you always talk how your obsessed with her and that she's really pretty, but when you get you're chance, you just reject her. Your actually stupid, and dont complain how you want her to be yours later cuz you missed you're spin with her."

He stormed out of my room.

He was right, i did like her. But still pushed her away.

Matt comes in my room also with a angry look on his face.

Matt: "Go apologize, i don't care if you alredy did, go again."

Chris: "Ok.."

I had to tell her that i didn't mean it, i love her.

I walked over to Matt's doors, y/n still being in Matt's room.

I told Matt and Nick to leave so i could talk to her privately.

Matt didn't wanna go at first he thought i would make her cry even more, but Nick talked him into leaving.

Now it was just me, y/n and a door in between us.

We met on the bus (Sturniolo triplets)Where stories live. Discover now