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"come on doll, give me a smile!" y/n's boss put his arm around her shoulders

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"come on doll, give me a smile!" y/n's boss put his arm around her shoulders

"we won! not that i had any doubts with you there"

y/n continued working with the sick man because of her parents getting this job for her

"how about we go out and celebrate? maybe dance, drink a little"

"no thank you"

"oh come on! just a drink"

"maybe another time" she tried to politely reject him for the 100th time since she started working there

"we both know you want to" he smiled at her and brought her in for a hug. a rather exploring one

"i have a lot of work do to, i can't" she tried to push him off

"oh come on sweetcake, stop playing hard to get. we both know you like this"

he placed his hands on her lower back, slowly making his way down

"i am really sorry mr.miller but i have work to do" she pulled his hand off and started walking away

"get back here!" he grabbed her hand and pulled her back, pinning her on the wall

"i don't pay you for nothing. your father said you'd do anything for this job. i am not very pleased with your behavior"

"im sorry sir" she looked down

"now be a good girl and do your job, you've been avoiding it long enough"

"im really sorry mr.miller but i can't." she gently pushed him off

"oh you can. and you want to, you just don't want to admit it" he smirked

"how many more times do i have to reject you? no means no." she raised her voice a bit

"talking back are we? you wouldn't want me to fire you. your daddy wouldn't be very pleased with that"

"go ahead and do it." she smirked

"not like he would care"

"wipe that smug expression off your face or else"

"or else what? you're going to hit me? fire me? rape me? or else what mr.miller ?"

"great then! you're fired! you had your last chance, the next one would've be violent. come get your stuff before 6pm."

"and if you even try and talk to anyone about this, i'll make sure to turn you into a whore"

he dropped her things on the floor and walked away

"bitch" he muttered as he left

y/n kneeled down on the floor, quietly sobbing, trying to get her things together. picking up the papers that had started to get wet from her tears running down her face. her carefully placed makeup probably a mess. a warm hand touching her cold one making her look up only to be met by blue eyes.

"are you okay? we saw what happened"

great we had an audience

she just nodded grabbed her stuff and got up

"i'm foggy, and this here is matt" he introduced

she turned around and saw a guy with a faint smile, waiting for her hand to shake. she gladly shook it

"y/n" she faintly said

"it's nice to meet you" foggy said excitedly

"are you okay?" matt asked the girl putting his hand on her shoulder

"yeah. just fine"

her heartbeat was unsteady

she was lying and it was obvious to matt

"you're sure?" he squeezed her shoulder

"yeap! really sure"

"okay then, we'll leave you alone now" foggy smiled at her

"if you need a place to work at, somebody to talk to literally anything, come here" he gave her a card

the two men had left before y/n could thank them.

Nelson & Murdock

she smiled at the card.

does she have anything to loose?

MIRRORBALL matt.murdock Where stories live. Discover now