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y/n was laying on the floor of her living room in a bralette and some sweatpants, music slowly playing in the background. she was rethinking everything that had happened that last few weeks. working a month with the guys was more than what she could ask. karen was always there for her if she wanted to gossip or ask for advice, foggy was always there with his doughnuts and jokes and matt...

matt was really nice and gentle with her. he joked around and he made her feel really comfortable. a lot of their conversations had a little flirty undertone, something that y/n was used to at her old job. but did she hate it? it wasn't really filthy or crude.

he could never start his day without telling her how beautiful she looked that day, something that never failed to make the woman smile knowing that the intentions were pure since the man couldn't exactly know that.

foggy and karen had noticed them getting closer and closer, a few lingering touches and a few looks made them suspicious

"look y/n we don't really know what's going on but we thought we should tell you" karen grabbed y/n's hands as foggy sat down next to her

"matt is... matt is amazing of course, but you're getting close or at least it seams that way. he's a very closed person and he doesn't open up easily. he goes missing for a few days, no calls no messages until he randomly turns up again as nothing had ever happened and we don't talk about it. never did. he doesn't really do relationships, he doesn't have the time he says. but of course he's an amazing friend " foggy sighed

" we just don't want you to get hurt that's all" Karen smiled at her

"oh no, he's just my boss, and a friend! it's just that my previous boss was more... how do I say it.. lewd? so it's nice to have someone that respects me and my job. i can assure you there's nothing going on between us. nothing you haven't seen"

"okay right! sorry for getting in your business" foggy apologized turning red from embarrassment

"it's okay you just wanted to warn me, thank you!"

that conversation kept replaying in her head.

were they really flirting that much?

but it was nothing more than that right?

just professional jokes, nothing more nothing less.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2022 ⏰

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