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she tried her best to look presentable that day

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she tried her best to look presentable that day. nice natural makeup, some dress pants, a nice button up with a sweater on top since the weather was starting to get chilly.

getting her stuff back the day before was a nightmare but she was more than glad to be out of that hell hole.

she anxiously played with her necklace as she was waiting for the door to open. the silly sign put a smile on her face.

"good morning! how can i help you?" a blonde girl smiled at her while opening the door wider for her to get in

"i was hoping i could talk with Mr.murdock? is he here?" she let her necklace fall back on her neck, feeling a little more comfortable

"right, of course!"

"ah y/n! i was expecting you!" matt smiled, leaning on the door interrupting the blondie

"you were?" foggy and y/n both said making the girl chuckle

"of course! now come on, we have some talking to do"

foggy walked her in and closed the door behind her, leaving her and matt to talk alone

"so, you're here! why?" he curiously asked as he sat down

"first of all i wanted to thank you and foggy, i didn't have the chance to do so yesterday" she sat down and smoothed her pants


"i'm sorry, i'm just really nervous"

"you shouldn't! we already want you to work here, if you want it too of course! we talked about it and we will be very glad to have you!"

"but, how do you know i'll do well in here, maybe i'm not what you're looking for?"

"we have seen your work y/n and it's amazing!"

the girl smiled

"was he always treating you like that?"

her smile dropped and matt sensed it from sudden heart beat change

"yeah, but i prefer if we don't talk about that"

"fair enough. so? will you be our secretary? i know the pay is not huge but-"

"yes! i'll do it"

"eager are we?" he smiled

"it's just. you guys have such a nice working environment here, they have not stopped laughing for a while now, and you have treated me with nothing but respect yet you don't know me" she smiled looking at foggy throw paper airplanes around

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