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"Give me all your stuff" He demands, holding a switchblade in his left hand as he moves into the light. wearing all black except his gloves that where stained with..blood?

Your startled, but you snap out of it and get up to take money out of the safe. However, you've stopped mid-motion when you realise that the only person who knew the safe's passcode was the coworker you work with.

"I-I can't open the safe, I don't have the passcode for it.."
You croaked..

He begins to approach you more closely until he stops. He pulls you back while grabbing onto you hair and grabs hold of your shirt all of a sudden.

"Are you fucking kidding me? Goddammit, fucking wasting my time, I have to leave before the cops come...I'm sorry hun,but no evidence can be left  behind, so they don't take me in again"

As he opens his switch blade, he crouches down near you. He starts to swing at you but stops mid-swing, dropping the knife and tumbles onto you.

"Bloody hell, you alright there princess?"
A familiar voice was heard,
You turn instantly seeing a man with a skull mask and military uniform. You suddenly realise who it is.


You softly say under your breath.

"No shit Sherlock"
Ghost returns with a small insult.

You shove off the criminal that tried to kill you and run into ghosts arms.

"Hey hey! I told you I don't like embraces!"
He claims.

"Make an exception for me I just almost got killed you moron!"
You yell out.

Ghost hugs you back gently sighing in relief.

(Hope you guys are liking it so far.)

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