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"Hey you can't just tease me like that!" You whine out with a blush look across your face.

Ghost chuckles at your embarrassment, grabbing ahold of the remote.

"Your really easy to get flustered, darling; I wonder how long until you snap."
Ghost stares you down, turning back to the TV to turn through channels.

You were rendered stunned by the comeback and stood there unable to react.

You sigh looking out the window seeing of the water hitting your glass window, you quite enjoy it when it would rain in your town, it made the sky look blueish grey.

"Doing okay there princess?"
Ghost asked.

"Yeah, I just like when it rains, it calms me down. You know?"
You reply to him.

Minutes pass a you both enjoy the rain together with comfortable silence. You both decide to watch a Halloween movie since you both liked it. Suddenly Ghost reached his hand over you resting it, you get confused but blush a little, feeling how warm he is, it made you more comfortable and somehow sleepy, you start to rest your head on him and close your eyes as Ghost looks down at you with a smile under his mask enjoying your company.

You slowly fall into slumber and finally fall asleep, Ghost looks down to you again and decides to pick you up and take you to bed since the couch won't be much comfortable for you.

He gets up slowly to not wake you and took his left hand under you legs and the other to your waist, his is so warm you could cuddle him for hours.

He starts to go upstairs into your room and opens the sheets putting you under them and tucking you in. He takes a strand of hair out of your face and smiles.

" sweet dreams pequeño ángel"
Ghost whispers near your ear leaving your room and turning of the light.

Don't Bother (Ghost X readerWhere stories live. Discover now