Friendship Games Part 3

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When Grumpy sings What More Is Out There, the version of that song will be the duet from a deleted scene from the Friendship Games movie.
At Moodyville, the counterpart of Grumpy is getting pushed by some assholes in the kingdom as he's walking to his office in the university he's teaching at, which is also where he used to attend (and Hildy is the principal of the school while Grim is the dean, but they'll just go by their first names instead of Principal Gloom and Dean Gloom).

Grumpy: Excuse me. Sorry. Pardon me.

Sir Yipsalot: (pants)
(door opens)

Sir Yipsalot: (whimpers)

Grumpy: Sir Yipsalot? Sir Yipsalot?!

Sir Yipsalot: (barks)

Grumpy: (laughs) There you are.

Sir Yipsalot: (barks and licks Grumpy)

Grumpy: Okay, okay! Last night's field test confirmed it, Sir Yipsalot. With this device, I can track and contain the bizarre energy coming from Jollywood.

Sir Yipsalot: (growls)

Grumpy: I know you didn't like me going over there, but I just couldn't wait. And soon, I'll have all the time I need. All of Moodyville is gonna be there for the Friendship Games. I just hope all that "rivalry" nonsense doesn't get in the way of my research. If I can collect enough data on these EM frequencies, I should be able to extrapolate the waveforms to determine their origin. That would practically guarantee my entrance into the Everton Independent Study Program! Whoa!
Grumpy falls backwards in his chair. Dean Grim Gloom opens the door.

Dean Grim: Grumpy, you know the rules against pets.

Grumpy: Well, Sir Yipsalot isn't a pet, Dean Grim. He's the focus of my research project. Human-canine cohabitation: effects and implications.

Dean Grim: If you say so. But Principal Hildy is highly allergic, so I suggest you put on a clean shirt.

Grumpy: Why?

Dean Grim: Because she wants to see you.

Grumpy: Ooh! Maybe she has news about my application to teach at Everton!

Dean Grim: I've been meaning to talk to you about that. Are you sure that's what you really want?

Grumpy: Why wouldn't it be? A program that allows me to focus all my attention on my own advanced math and science projects? What a dream come true!

Dean Grim: But there aren't any classrooms with that many students for you to teach. You'll be doing everything on your own.

Grumpy: That is why it's called an "independent study program."

Dean Grim: I just don't want you to miss out on anything. That's all. Being around other people isn't a bad thing. Sometimes it's how you learn the most about yourself.

Grumpy: I guess.

Dean Grim: Meet you in Principal Hildy's office in a few minutes?
(door closes)

Grumpy: (to Sir Yipsalot) What's he so worried about? Everton is exactly what I need right now. (sighs) It's not like I have anything left to learn here. 🎵I've walked through all these halls before, I've been in and out of every door, oh-whoa-oh. There's nothin' in this school that I don't know. In every class, my grade's the best, the highest score on every test, I think that means it's time for me to go. I know there's more that's out there and I just haven't found it yet. I know there's more that's out there, another me I haven't met.🎵
Meanwhile in Jollywood, Doc is waving hello to many people walking by.

Doc: 🎵Everyone here likes who I am, and it's not from a magic spell's command, oh-whoa-oh. My friends look past the things I've done before. But still I miss those quests, the mythic creatures, magic tests, this place is great, sure, but who am I anymore?🎵

Grumpy: 🎵It's not that I'm ungrateful or trying to succeed, but there's something left still missing, something that I need.🎵

Doc: 🎵I know there's more that's out there, maybe folks that need my help. I know there's more that's out there because I've seen it for myself. There's only so much this town can offer and I'm not saying that's so bad. But I know there's more that's out there, 'cause it's a life that I once had.🎵

Grumpy: 🎵Beyond these rooms, beyond these walls! So much to learn, I can't see it all!🎵

Doc: 🎵This town is home, people is safe! But how can I be home and still feel out of place?🎵

Grumpy: 🎵And I know there's more that's out there, another world to explore.🎵

Doc: 🎵And I know there's more that's out there, am I wrong for wanting more?🎵

Both: 🎵And I can't wait for it to happen, but what it is I cannot say. I just know there's more that's out there, and it's calling out my name. And I'm searching for the answer, 'cause I feel I've lost my way. I may not know what's really out there, but I'll find out someday! I'll find out someday...🎵
Grumpy enters Principal Hildy's office. He sits down in the chair across from her desk. He turns around and sees that not only Dean Grim, but also his brother, Groucharooney, were standing by the door.

Grumpy: Groucharooney? Why is my brother here?

Dean Grim: As an alumni, Principal Hildy thought he could provide some unique perspective.

Grumpy: Perspective on what?

Principal Hildy: Why, the Friendship Games, of course. You competed in the games, did you not, Groucharooney?

Groucharooney: (blushes, then clears throat) I did.

Principal Hildy: And you happen to recall who won?

Groucharooney: Ha ha, Moodyville did. We always win.

Principal Hildy: We always win.

Grumpy: Why did you ask to see me?

Principal Hildy: Grumpy, I'll be honest. It doesn't matter whether or not Moodyville wins or loses. (monkeyshine squeaks) The important thing is we are expected to win because Moodyville has a reputation. And it is that reputation... my reputation that is responsible for everything we have here. For everything you've done here. And you've done quite a lot, haven't you?

Grumpy: I don't know. I guess.

Principal Hildy: Oh, don't be modest. You're the best teacher/former student this university has ever seen. What I can't understand is why my best teacher wouldn't want to compete.

Grumpy: In the Friendship Games?

Groucharooney: Look, Grumpster, I know it's not really your thing, but representing the school is kind of a big deal. Plus, they could really use your help.

Principal Hildy: It seems Jollywood is undergoing something of a renaissance. They have athletics on the rise. You see, they are developing somewhat of a reputation. This can not happen!

Grumpy: Principal Hildy, I can't possibly participate in the games. My work here is very-

Principal Hildy: Ah, yes. Your work. Grim, could you and Groucharooney find my contact sheet for the Everton Independent Study program?

Dean Grim: Of course.
Him and Groucharooney leave the room.

Principal Hildy: I understand you've applied. You see, one of the advantages of having a reputation is a certain amount of influence in such things. So, let me offer you a deal. In return for contributing your agile mind to these games, I will use my influence to guarantee your application is approved. Though, I suppose I could also have it... denied. What do you think I should do?

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