Friendship Games Part 4

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Grumpy is grabbing his things before he goes over to Jollywood. Sir Yipsalot grabs hold of Grumpy's sweater.

Sir Yipsalot: (growls)

Grumpy: Ugh! Come on, Sir Yipsalot! I was always gonna go to Jollywood for the Friendship Games. Ich!
Sir Yipsalot lets go of the sweater and Grumpy puts it in his backpack.

Grumpy: The only difference now is that I have to compete. Besides, it's not like Principal Hildy gave me much of a choice.

Sir Yipsalot: (whimpers)

Grumpy: (pets Sir Yipsalot) I know, Sir Yipsalot. I don't like it either. I probably won't be able to collect anywhere near as much data as I thought. But maybe I can still get some.

Sir Yipsalot: (whimpers again)

Grumpy: I wouldn't leave without you.
He puts Sir Yipsalot in his backpack.

Grumpy: Just remember to be quiet. And try not to shed.
He puts on his backpack with Sir Yipsalot in it and he closes the door behind him. He and Dean Grim walking to the bus.

Grumpy: Dean Grim, I'm not really sure where to go.

Dean Grim: One second, Grumpy.
Grumpy cuts in the line for the bus, only for Lavender and Wolfie to not be too happy about it.

Lavender: (sourly) You could try the end of the line!

Grumpy: What do you say?

Lavender: (sweetly) Just that someone as smart as you should definitely go first.

Grumpy: I... I didn't mean to. I was just asking.

Dean Grim: This is the right bus, Grumpy. Go ahead.

Grumpy: But... I didn't mean to cut in front.

Lavender: (sourly scoffs) Well, it's too late now.

Grumpy: (under his breath) You don't need to be a bitch about it.

Lavender: What was that?

Grumpy: Nothing!

Lavender: That's what I thought. (I know this is a kid's movie, but I just wanted to add a little bit of spice to it. Also, it does seem that Wolfie, who is Sunny Flare, really only has 3 lines throughout the whole thing.)
Grumpy gets on the bus, only to be startled by Emily.

Emily: Are we gonna win?!

Grumpy: I... I don't know.

Emily: Wrong answer! Try again! Are we gonna win?!

Grumpy: Um... I guess? I-It's just... I mean... I heard that Jollywood is doing well now. With their reputation. And, I mean, it's not better than ours, of course. But we can't let them do it, you know? Win, I mean? Right?
Everyone on the bus stares at him.

Bus driver: You're gonna have to take a seat!
Grumpy sits next to Ally.

Grumpy: Hi, Ally.

Ally: That was a really bad speech. You should consider not speaking in public.
Grumpy unzips his backpack all the way to rub Sir Yipsalot's ears.

Grumpy: Well, Sir Yipsalot, at least I've got you with me.
Diamond is jamming to really loud music through her headphones.

Diamond: Dude, you have gotta hear this!
She takes off her headphones and puts them on Grumpy, who is not really enjoying the really loud music.

Grumpy: Uh? Eh!
Meanwhile at the cottage, the 6D are practicing for their next song.

Bashful: I hope the Friendship Games have a music competition, because we would totally rock it! (plays chord)

Doc: Um, we're supposed to keep magic out of the Friendship Games, remember?

Bashful: (scoffs)

Sneezy: Easier said than done, darling. I'm sure in the other side of Jollywood, magic does whatever you want. But...

Doc: This isn't the other side of Jollywood.

Sleepy: Well, when it comes to magic, I'm sure you'll figure it out.

Sneezy: And while Doc works on keeping the magic out of the games, I've been working on what to put in! (giggles)

Sleepy: Sneeze-man, what'd you go an' do?

Sneezy: Well, I had a little time on my hands, and since we don't know what the Friendship Games' events are, I made a few options for uniforms!

Bashful: You really didn't have to do that.

Sneezy: I know.

Sleepy: No. You really didn't have to.

Sneezy: I know. (giggles)
The bus stops right in Jollywood.

Queen Delightful: Lord Starchbottom can help your students get settled if you'd like me to show you around, Principal Hildy. There have been quite a few changes since your last visit.

Principal Hildy: Oh yes, your highness. I'm sure that would be fascinating.
Lord Starchbottom and Dean Grim give each other a hug.

Lord Starchbottom: Oh, it's always such a pleasure to see you, Dean Grim. Even if it means another defeat.

Dean Grim: Thank you, Starchy, but I hear it's not going to be so easy this time.
Grumpy and everyone else start getting off the bus.

Emily: Comin' through!
She pushes Grumpy out of the way, only for him to bump into Wolfie, who can't seem to understand that it was just a damn accident.

Wolfie: Seriously?

Grumpy: Oh, sorry. I didn't mean to. (groans, under his breath) Bitch. (to Lavender) Oh, sorry. Why don't you go ahead?

Lavender: (sweetly) You are such a sweetie! (sourly and hushed) I am watching you!
Diamond is still jamming through her headphones.

Diamond: Ahh! Yeah!

Ally: You are kind of being a doormat right now.
Yeah, so the 7G, or at least some of them, are selfish bitches in this. There is a special that was released after both Friendship Games and Legend of Everfree where the Shadowbolts redeemed themselves, but they are still a little bit bitchy, and Indigo Zapp is the only one who is not in it. Also, I'm already starting to prefer writing these on my computer instead of my phone because it's obviously faster and maybe my computer won't do the stupid thing that my phone does where I highlight something to bold it in, but then, it would bold in the rest of the texts.

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