A world meeting without a host (I)

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Enjoy? <3

World meeting. Weren't they just beautiful... absolutely no fighting and pretty organised schedules. Absolutely no screaming and hitting each other. Definitely no guns involved... haha...
Tell me you didn't believe that please.
"This is a complete disaster!"
"Where is he- when you need him.."
"Who has the key to this damn room?-"
"Who needs him or a key when yu can open the door with a good old ki-"
"America! Don't you dare!"
"Man.. a bit of fun atleast.."
Japan sighed, trying to find his way through the crowd of irritated nations, a golden key in his hands.
"Everyone calm down... I found the emergency key.."
With a quick hand motion, the door was unlocked. The nations settled down a bit and sat down on their belonging chairs. Japan and Italy shared a glance. Where was Germany..?
"Japan.. Where's Germany? Did he leave us-"
"Italy.. I'm sure he did not leave us. But he never missed a meeting... hm"
Japan thought for a moment. The last time they saw each other, the german was completely fine. Something must've happened. But he could already hear distressed calls and shouts from the other side. Now France was blaming England for messing up his magic and now Germany has to suffer. America was -bullying- his little brother, who seemingly wanted nothing more than to dissapier. Japan sighed, rising from his seat. He coughed, surprisingly getting the attention of -every- nation.
"So um... as you all noticed, Germany isn't attending to this meeting today.. that's what I'm assuming. Has anyone heard anything from him?"
A long silence. Until-
Ring... ring...
All eyes turned to the sound. Austria sighed.
"My apologies.. I'll turn it off-"
He didn't...
"Ja? Why would you call me when-.. he's what-..."
A longer pause. Faint talking- disstressed talking.
"Very well, I'll tell them. Richte ihm gute Besserung von mir aus bitte.. danke"
(Tell him to get better for me.. thanks)
"Who was it?"
"That- was Prussia.. Germany got sick over the night so he won't be attending this meeting."
Japan let out a huffed sigh, thinking for a moment.
"If Germany isn't here, we need someone to take his position to lead the meeting. Anyone who'd volunteer for that...?"
Nope. All eyes were on him. That's not what I wanted he thought, his face turning red.
"I think i should lead the meeting. I'm sure you'll love to hear my plans of how we deal with a sudden alien-"
"Shut it, twit! I think we can all agree that Japan should be the one leading the meeting since he's the only one that would take this serious..."
England huffed, sipping his tea. America just shot him an angry glance.
"Um.. very well, I'll lead the meeting them..."
Japan hesitated. Never did he have such a responsibility... he looked down to Italy, who smiled at him, a reassuring smile that said you can do it. Japan gave him a hesitant smile, taking the seat where Germany would.
And so, the meeting went on and ended.. quite well. There was not as much drama as there would be. In a week, there was another meeting...
"West! The awesome me made you fooood!"
No response. So, Prussia did what every normal being would.
With a loud bang, the door opened.
"Wakes wakeyyy!- huh.."
That didn't help. Even tho he was kinda annoyed now, Prussia found his little brothers sleeping position rather funny looking. He couldn't suppress his chuckle.
"Weeest- get up. Die Suppe wird kalt und du magst doch keine kalte Suppe-"
(The soup will get cold and you wouldn't like that-)
"Idiot... you're making my headache increase.. can't you shut up for 5 minutes please.."
The german sat up. He looked even worse than a few hours ago. Prussia frowned at the sight, but didn't say anything. This was worse than he thought. He'd listen the whole evening to the radio if he had to. Just to find out what the hell was going on. But for now, he'd stay here...

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