Escalating disaster (II)

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Ch 2 ayyyy.. sorry that ch 1 was so short
The only warning is swearing ahh
The next world meeting, again hosted by Japan. But there were even more absences then last time. France, Belgium, Netherlands and Switzerland. He assumed whatever desease was going around, it was going for the west. He was glad that he lived on the east side tho... the absences didn't go unnoticed. It was much more quiet. No shouting at one another... this was worse than bad.
"Everyone, please listen up. More and more nations are getting sick.. has anyone heard what's happening..? News or..."
"Well... since I'm staying at France's place because of world meetings, I did notice that it's nothing more than a cold with some side effects. He's feeling better already so I assume he'll be here next time."
England took a sip from his tea, sinking into his seat.
"I'm hearing the opposite from Prussia. He told me Germany doesn't have any symptoms of a cold, he's only got a cough. I've talked to him and he certainly doesn't sound like he's getting better.."
Austria sighed. In the meantime, Japan got back to thinking. Cold or cough.. both? That wasn't enough information.
"Anyone else?.. we need more information"
"Sushi bastard- if we don't have Information, why not listen to the damn radio."
Romano huffed, sitting upright. Japan sighed. Atleast he's still himself...
"Eilmeldung, eine neue Krankheit breitet sich in Deutschland aus. Es gibt keinen offiziellen namen, aber Experten suchen nach dem Auslöser oder der Herkunft. Zur Zeit sind über 100.000(100k) Menschen infiziert. Es gibt keine offiziellen Symptome, die eine Infektion zeigen. Das neue Virus verbreitetet sich schnell, auch in anderen Ländern, wie den Niederlanden oder Frankreich. Biologen und weitere suchen nach einer Lösung Grund möglichem Impfstoff. Auf unserer Seite * finden sie mehr Informationen zu dem Thema. Die Bundesregierung entscheidet über weitere Maßnahmen, welche jedoch bis jetzt noch unbekannt sind. Jetzt hören sie chöre von Mark Foster. Warum machst du dir n Kopf, wovor hast du-
England coughed lightly.
"Ehm Austria, would you be so kind and translate that?"
"With pleasure. They said; there's no official name for the virus.. disease- and no information on where it came from. The virus is spreading fast and the symptoms aren't always the same. On their homepage are more informations, but I didn't catch the name of. Also it's spreading over countries pretty quick aswell.. but we also knew that, so it was a waste of time.."
This wasn't good. If it was spreading fast, more and more nations could get infected.. something needed to happen. Fast.
"Is anyone here who isn't feeling like they should?"
Silence again...
Then, England spoke up, clearing his throat.
"I, um... have been feeling more tired ever since this.. started. But I don't think I caught it-"
"Oh my friggin god- and I touched you-"
America screeched, backing away.
"Shut your bloody mouth!- also don't interrupt me. As I was saying, I think it's because I've been staying up late a bit more.."
"We can only wait and see."
Japan nodded, turning away from the Brit.
"Anyone else..?"
The rest shook their heads. Japan nodded again. This confirmed his theory. Nations in the west got sick, while the east stayed- hopefully- clean. He exhaled. This was gonna be a long week... going completely downhill.
Said nation turned to Italy and nodded, waiting for the other to continue.
"What if... theres no cure and we're all gonna be sick..."
Oh no.. the italian looked like hes about to cry. That was not what Japan wanted.
"i-.. Italy- we're not gonna-"
"You worry too much, fratello. If any disease tries to get us i'll beat it up."
"How do you beat up a sickness-"
"I can make anything happen. Now shut up and stop worrying.."
Italy hesitated for a moment, then crushed his brother in a hug.
"Thank you, fratello. You're the best..(!)"
Romano huffed a sigh, hugging back, glancing at anyone who'd dare to ruin the moment. Russia smied to nobody, a small chuckle following.
"Da. Good idea."
It was an honest yes. No dark aura included.
Japan sighed, atleast some stayed optimistic...
"France, I'm back[!]. Where are you?"
England called out, putting off his jacket. Why was there no one answering-
"honhonhon, Angleterre! I'm 'ere and I've waited for you, mon cher~"
The french nation called out, appearing in the hallway of the small apartment. England sighted, but couldn't suppress a tiny smile creeping over his lips.
"If you knew... come here, frog face.."
He held out his arms, embracing France in his arms.
"So, how are you feeling?"
France brought up one of his bright smiles, hugging his friend even tighter.
"After your little treatment, I've been feeling better~ but you, mon lapin, on the other hand dont look that fine to me.."
England huffed out a laugh, hitting France playfully in the arm.
"How'd you feel after staying up late evry night because your... friend is sick, hm? But yes, I'm feeling pretty tired."
France gave him the awe-face.
"well, now that I'm better, I'll take good care of you-"
But England didnt listen anymore, he was already off into the kitchen, water already boiling. France sighed to himself, following quietly.
haha... short again- next chapter will defi be longer-
i apologise ,)

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