Caring for the sick (IIII)

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Sooo- Imma let em suffer-
But the chapter is a bit shorter than the other so...
Chapter questions;
Hm, what could the nordics be doing...?
How fast can they find the cure- or is it too late before they can?
(Idk don't take that srs- T-T)
As always, translation german - English are in () below the sentence
"Fratello! You called finally.. cough... yay"
Romano scoffed, holding his phone away from his ear. Why did Italy have to scream?... sigh
"Yes, I finally did.. and don't scream when you feel bad, idiot!"
"Heh, sorry- I'm actually feeling be- hah... sneeze- mhm sorry Romano.."
Italy smiled sheepishly, even if Romano didn't see it, he could hear that smile. He laughed shortly.
"Of course you are... you're just like Spain... ugh, why... never mind. Did you get better atleast?"
Italy hesitated.
"Um... not much. But eh.. I don't want to talk about it. Just tell me about your day, sí?"
Romano sighed. Obviously, he'd change the subject. What did he even expect? Well, Italy wasn't to blame, he'd do the same. So, he started telling him about his day and the days before that. The talk went on for hours. They exchanged events, talked about that virus, Italy unwillingly joining his brother in rambling Italian curses and being mad. That was normal. Italy told him about his symptoms of an average strong cold, so Romano offered to visit him, but since the next meeting was in Canada, Italy said he shouldn't fly too much(even tho Romano wasn't too affected by any jet lag or something..). He didn't know if or how he should even be there, since Italy wasn't his only sick comrade... he'd think of something for sure, Romano always did...
"...The virus is spreading faster. Americas government decides to get into another lockdown, no planes were flying in or out the country and we're afraid we'll go back to where it was. Scientists haven't found a cure yet and people are starting to get scared and freak out. Families are loosing members and friend groups won't be whole again. We're afraid the cure takes about 6 months more. And now, the weather...-"
France sighed. This was horrible. England tore his gaze from his newspaper, giving France the seriously? Look.
"Are you listening to those horrible news again? I told you not to listen to that program... you don't take me serious, do you?"
"Angleterre, I do, really. But what if they told the truth? I couldn't live without Prussia or Spain... this is so terrible, England! Que faisons-nous? "
(What do we do)
England laid down the newspaper. Why did the Frenchman believe everything he was told?..
"Why do you- always believe stuff people tell you?"
"Because I've listened to them my whole life and it was always the truth what they told me!"
England raised a brow.
"So, if I told you that you were ugly, you'd believe it?"
"Oui!- wait- non of course not! I'm a beautiful being and you know it, don't you~"
Englands face flushed red. France let out one of his laughs, but broke into a coughing fit. The British nation handed him a glass of water he gratefully took. Once the spell passed, the French nation groaned annoyed. England shot him a worried look, offering a hug. He didn't think he'd be suffocated. But getting to hug his... friend in such times was definitely worth the broken ribs he'd get if France hugged him any tighter. And this warmth... just like old times...
"Lithuania~ where are you?~"
(Please don't take this... inappropriate... thank you)
Russia smiled to no one in particular. He knew where to find his little... assistant. He could sense him. He wasn't far and had definitely heard the Russian calling him. He wouldn't ignore him, right? A chuckle escaped Russia as he stood infront of the door to Lithuanias room, then knocked gently on the door.
"Lithuania~ I know you're in there. Hm-hm, don't ignore me..."
The door slowly opened. Lithuania was there, but he looked.. distressed.
"Mr. Russia... I'm afraid we haven't been spared.."
The door opened wider. Russia didn't like what he heard, nor what he saw. So now, his little helpers were unwell. He knew his sisters and him would be next. He felt anger rise up in him, but he kept his smile, even tho Lithuania sensed the anger. (I mean... he lived with him for long enough- haha.. eh)
"So you're saying that travelers brought the disease to you, hm? So we're gonna be next..? You think I'm happy to hear that?"
"N-no! Of course not... I apologise- mr. Russia-"
Russia let out one of his (rare- not so rare) laughs, petting his helper on the head. Lithuania stood completely still, but when he gathered himself again, he smiled back.
"Hm-hm, so, are you gonna do your tasks now or later?"
"I-I... I don't know when... they need medical treatment a-and.. um..."
Russia was about to leave, but turned his head back to Lithuania. The boy was right. He though for a moment, then smiled.
"Great, then I'll do that and you fix them, da?"
The Lithuanian was taken aback. That was kind of him. And that was probably the greatest smile he'd aver given Russia.
"Y-yes, thank you very much, mr. Russia! I'll try my best to get them back to normal."
"Da. I know you will. I place my trust in you, Lithuania."
And with that, he left. Lithuania exhaled silently. Then he realised what just happened. Russias trust? On him? That was- something new. Maybe a way to get a better realationship between them, just maybe.
"Anything else you need besides that.. soup-"
"Nein. Nichts weiter. Danke dir trotzdem."
(No. Nothing else. Thank you anyway)
(God writing in my native language feels weird istg- and so formal too-- T-T)
Prussia nodded, making his way towards the kitchen. The last days weren't better, but things didn't get worse. Germany stayed in bed, Austria stayed on the couch. Stubenhocker... Prussia let out a quick laugh. (Couch potato- btw)
He gently shook the german nation awake. He couldn't decide who looked worse, his little brother or Austria... Prussia sighed.
"I made soup. Now wake up."
Patients wasn't his strength. He knew that. He'd get snappy after a while. (But we all do so you're forgiven)
The other nation shook his head. Every movement still hurt. One week of living with the hell of a migraine was enough. And don't even get him started on food. A headache (almost) always came with nausea. And eating was the worst thought he'd get... and to be honest... Prussia couldnt with soup. Any other food, yes. But not soup. Germany was used to it, but Austria wasn't. He refused to eat the soup at any cost. He'd done it in the past, now he'd do it again.
"C'mon, specs. Du musst. Nur weil wir Länder sind heißt es nicht, dass wir auch nötige Nahrung verzichten können.. für mich...?"
(You need to. Just because we're nations doesn't mean we can go without food.. for me...?)
"Nein. Nein. Nein... ich.. kann nicht- bitte, lass mich.."
(No(3x)... I.. cant- please, leave me alone..)
Speaking hurt his head. Listening hurt his head. God, he just wanted to sleep... Prussia sighed, kneeling down besides him. Never because of a headache had he seen his friend so close to tears. And that's because it hurt... just how much... the cure needed to be here, fast. But there was one question, why wasn't he sick aswell...?
Maybe, because there's no people that could be sick anymore...
The ending was... something-
Ayy I can't promise daily updates so don't think so high of me pls.. T.T
I'll try my best
For now, good night <3

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