The Raid

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1. The Anticells started a raid with Bandilabs. You were in the middle of your research with Barnick when there was a loud explosion and the alarms went off.

2. You were in the middle of fixing something when an explosion happened literally by the door of the room you're in. Peaking through the hole in the dented door, you see armed soldiers wearing white heavy and light armor rushing through the halls gunning down surprised guards.

3. You were just cleaning the hallways when you saw armed guards wearing white armor rubbing towards you. One of them knocked you down aiming their gun to the back of your head. "Stay in the ground scum!" They ordered. What's going on? Is this a raid?

4. There are good news! Bandilab spies has found the location of Anticells HQ. It's time to show this foolish origination whose boss!

5. AntiCells have finally came up with a plan in how to storm Bandilabs.


1. You were in your cell resting for the next test tomorrow when suddenly the door to your cell exploded and Men in white armer stormed in with their leader. On the sleeves of their armor has a cage with an x cross on the center of the cage. The leader wore a block ski mask. He pulls down to show his face and smiles at you. "You're free now. Come help us free your brothers and sisters."

2. You helped breaking the the Bandilabs walls. Now it's time to free all the experiments.

3. After the Anticells HQ location has been found, The Bandilabs are using some experiments to help in the fight. You and several other experiments were placed in trucks and are driven to the location.

4. You and members of the Anticells where discussing on plans when soldiers in white outfits and dark green heavy and light armor. It's the Bandilabs! They found your HQ and planning to destroy everything.

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