Nobody left alive

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1. Bandilabs is now in ruins, the security breach was getting out of hand. You and several other soldiers that are working for the government were ordered to wipe everything clear in Bandilabs, including the scientists and experiments because the government is shutting Bandilabs down and nothing will reach the public.

2. The Breach is getting out of hand, nobody was able to restore the power. But hey look on the bright side, the military has come to the rescue, or so you thought until one of the soldiers gunned down an innocent scientist right in front of you...

3. You were the remaining agent of the Anticells. The mission was successful but at what cost? Your whole team is dead, every experiment is out to get you, and the military has came to wipe EVERYTHING out. It would also be a matter time until the government finds out about the Anticells and start coming after them too.


1. No human has gotten past and made it the the main power room. You though this was a clear victory. That until the military came along and began clearing the place. Even if you successfully defend the facility, it's not gonna stop the government from bombing the whole facility. Your only chance is to escape.

2. The plan didn't go as planned. Your Anticells team has been slaughtered and now you in the middle of a fight with Exarmus. In the middle of the fight you all screaming, shouting, and gunfire. Looking back, you can see the military has arrived. But i don't think they're hear to rescue anybody.

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