Chapter 1

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"Hey! What's up buddy?"

"Hellooo. Nothing much, just getting out of the shower. You?"

"I'm out and about right now, picking up some things for the house. You gonna be busy today?"

"Yeeeah, unfortunately. My mom needed me to help her with moving out so I won't be able to come over today if that's what you were calling for. I'm sorry, maybe another time if you're available though?"

"Anytime, no worries! I'm usually never too busy so just let me know whenever you're down. By the way, random question but do you remember Ashton?"

"Uuh, Ashton White, Ashton?"


"Of course I do! I used to be best buds with him! We'd go to the ice cream place just down the road from high school whenever we both had nothing going on afterwards. Why do you ask?"

"Well, he kinda messaged me out of nowhere after I liked one of his posts on Insta. We had a nice conversation, nothing too special but, you know, still felt nice talking to a friend after so long."

"Awh that's nice, I hope he's doing well! I haven't really chatted with him since we graduated."

"By how he's been talking with me, I'm assuming as much haha."

"That's great dude, it would be nice to see him again. Anyways, I'm gonna head out! I need to get ready."

"Okay! Have a great rest of your day, Finn!"

"You as well, Oliver."

My phone makes a beep sound as the call cuts to silence. Finn Russell, he's an orange LaPerm, about my height and has been a friend of mine for as long as I can remember. We grew up together because our parents had been friends since before we were born so he's always been like a brother to me. A few years ago, I came out to him about my sexual preference and I was scared. I thought that he would've shut me out in someway but that never happened. Instead, he just hugged me. A long embrace. I didn't expect it so I couldn't really control my emotions. He is the only person I've ever told about it and I'm probably going to keep it that way. I can count on him for anything.

I open Spotify and scroll through my playlist to find a song to match the mood. "Can I Call You Tonight?" by Dayglow was my choice before I slid my phone into my pocket and continued pushing the cart down the filled aisles. There were plenty of items to choose from but I just grabbed the usual off of the shelves. Potato chips, flavoured water, chicken nuggets, etc. all took their spots in the cart as I made my way toward the Self Checkout. I had only just realized how packed the store had gotten when I heard the consistent sounds of beeping as people scanned their items. The system greeted me when I scanned my membership card and started scanning my own items. "$68.32?! Jeez, I didn't know a few snacks would cost me so much", I thought to myself as I bagged my items and pushed the cart through and out of the store. 

Walking up to my car, I clicked the button on the door handle of the driver's side twice to unlock all of the doors. I moved to the rear door behind the driver's and transferred all of my groceries into the vehicle. I shut the door behind me and guided the cart to its place in the cart return. My phone dinged as I walked back to the car. Opening the door, it dings again.. and again. I take the earbud out of my ear and check my phone. "3 new message from Ashen_Whites" the notification displayed.

"Hey Oliver," "Would there be anyway that I could come over for a few?" "Maybe stay over for the night? Haven't seen you in awhile." the messages read.

"Heyo Ash, I'm about to head back home. I don't see why not, it would be great to see a friendly face around again haha," I sent back to him before starting up the ignition. The vehicle makes a low humming sound as the engine boots to life and I connect my phone to Bluetooth, clicking shuffle on my "Dealers Choice" playlist. "Future Warrior" by Palms is the first to play on the ride back home. They are usually my nighttime driving choice but I wouldn't skip them if they ever played. 

On the way back, my phone dings and vibrates multiple times in the cupholder, making me a little more curious about what Ashton was saying. He wasn't the type of person to send multiple messages at one time, it's usually bunched into 1 message so I assumed that it was most likely something else as well. For some reason, I always anticipated seeing a notification from him. It's so unexpected yet so pleasant.

Once I got home, I drove into the usual parking spot outside closest to the door. I shifted the car into park and turned off the vehicle, grabbing my phone, key fob, and water bottle in the front of the car. The music played until I opened the driver's door and exited the vehicle. I grabbed the groceries in the backseat of my car and closed the door behind me and headed to the front door of my house. I reached into my pocket, the groceries tugging on my wrist, and grabbed my keys. I flicked through the keys until I found the house key and unlocked the door, lazily stumbling into the house and to the kitchen.

I flipped my phone out of my pocket after setting the groceries on the counter and read the notifications, 1 of which was from Ashton, the others from Finn and another friend of mine.

"Thank you so much, you're the best Oli." "Is there a specific time you'd want me over or does it not matter to you?" Ashton typed out.

"No problem duuude, and it doesn't matter to me! I just got home so feel free to show up whenever <3," I sent back before setting my phone down and shuffling through the groceries. The flavoured water immediately caught my eye so I cracked one open and took a sip. My phone dings

"Do you still live with your parents? If not, I'll need the address lol." Ashton messaged. I immediately facepalmed myself. 

"RIGHT right, sorry about that I forgot LMAO," I typed out, giggling to myself before sending it. The message is immediately read and a speech bubble appears.

"No problem xDDD" "Also, would it be okay if I brought over some drinks? I don't plan on getting hammered or anything but just in case," he asked. 

"Sure! I probably won't be drinking anything but we'll see how I'm feeling later. Just let me know whenever you're here! Here's the address.."

After exchanging my address with him, I set my phone onto the counter and took the groceries out of the bags, setting them on the counter in no specific order. I cleaned up the kitchen before walking out and shutting the lights off behind me, keeping a close eye on the window in the living room in case of a vehicle pulling into the driveway. 

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