Chapter 4

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It felt like ages trying to make it to Olivia's room 3 doors down. I don't think I can handle this much pain anymore but like Jason said just keep pushing on. I stopped in front of the door again thinking should I even open but I decided I should so I don't regret anything in the future. I hope Olivia doesn't freak out again because that scared me so bad I knocked on the door and for a second nobody answered. I knocked again and I heard shuffling and Mrs. Lora opened the door I was shocked like what the she was my mom's caretaker and now she's Olivia's. "Oh hey Alex! I wasn't expecting you to be here so soon"! I know when you told me to leave my friend Jason apologized to me and I was kinda shocked and then came over here to check on Olivia. Anyways why are you a caretaker for more than one person when they are in critical condition? "Well your mother told me while I was doing her vitals about what she remembers before the crash. She told me that when they were at the grocery store Olivia got lost and a young man around her age said helped her and introduced himself as Jake Webber. Well this my sound crazy but my husband and my kid went to the same store and when we met up for dinner he helped a girl around his age". Wait so your child helped my sister find our mom in the store literally minutes before the crash? "Yes, I'm Lora Webber and I think when things like this aren't a coincidence we were destined to meet". Wow... you know what maybe your right maybe one day we'll meet again "okay are you ready to meet Olivia, the crash damaged her memory quite a bit but there's still a possibility that it can be fixed". WHAT she got damage! DOES SHE REMEMBER ME! That makes sense that she freaked out in front of me. "Woah woah calm down this could always be fixed if you try to jog her memory maybe she'll remember something about you". Okay Mrs. Lora? "Yes sweetheart" can you please wait in here with me just in case something happens I'm low key scared. "Sure I can sit in here with you I'll just stand behind the door I'll leave it cracked and all you have to say is Mrs. Lora or Lora whatever you prefer. You remind me of my older son who is thirteen, so you here you feel like my son which I would never say to a patient's relative but something about you makes me feel like I've known you forever". Umm okay? I think I'm ready now to talk to her "okay then remember I'm just behind this door for you okay" thank you so much Mrs. Lora.  I took the few steps that I needed to get right beside her and all I got was from her was the biggest frightened eyes I've ever seen in my lifetime and it made my chest hurt more than it probably should have. Hey Olivia "GET AWAY FROM ME GO AWAY" n-no I-it's m-me your older brother Alex remember? Remember last summer I took you fishing for the first time my voice cracked at the last word "who are you?" I'm your brother Olivia remember I took you to the diner last week try really hard please Olivia try really hard to remember focus. "Ow" she started wincing in pain I didn't know what to do at all. Olivia please come on keep trying baby sis you got this come please try to remember! "I-I-I can't guy I really don't know what your talking about can you please go get the nurse". Right then and there I couldn't speak I couldn't move I just couldn't do anything! How am I supposed to deal with me knowing that she doesn't remember me and all of our old memories. I took a deep breath and asked for Mrs. Lora to come back inside I asked Lora if we could talk outside of the room for a minute and she told me to wait after she checks the vitals again. About two minutes later Lora came out of the room and we sat on the bench right beside the wall. "Okay what do you want to talk about are you okay?" So for about a solid twenty minutes I told her everything from me and my friends being at the park to now and she was about to leave when I asked her the question. Hey Lora? "Yes?" One last thing when I asked Olivia to try to remember me she kept saying ow like something was hurting her and then started holding her head. Every time I told her to think back about the memories that we had in the past and when I asked her to try to think. "Oh wow I wasn't expecting that to happen this soon" what happening this soon? "It happens when a person gets in a bad incident like a car wreck or when you get hit by a car really quickly. Then you tell them to try to remember something in the past or like a memory then the patient usually starts getting a severe headache. But it usually take months to years for their memory starts coming back. This just proves that this brain damage is not as severe as you think which is really good. I think it's time for me to go Alex but I'll be around soon when the doctor comes I think he needs to know about this". Wow I can't believe it Olivia's memory is coming back and I'm the one who tried to help her and I've only seen this in movies and it actually worked! Mrs. Lora walks away from me so I'm on the bench alone with my thoughts and I just sat there for a couple minutes. Then the tears starting coming in before this I would never cry last time I cried was at my father's funeral. Even then I cried every once in awhile until I realized I can hold on to these emotions and not show them. But ever since this incident I've been crying a lot maybe I should just let these emotions out instead of holding them in.

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