Chapter 12-

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After the devastating news y/n's family tried to keep away from her, she tried her best to be her families biggest support system by spending time with them and not baking weed brownies with Mia or having unexpected moments with Ruben.

'Right i got some chocolate chip pancakes you either get them now or never' y/n shouted as she heard mini footsteps per usual But it was only Scarlett and Tobias.

'Wheres tony? Hes normally the first to come' y/n asked handing out the food to her siblings.

'He said he doesn't want any'  tony said with pancakes in stuffed in his mouth.

'What? how?these are his favourite' she said as she ran upstairs to her brothers room to find him reading a porn magazine.

'I made chocolate chip pancakes and i made lots i know we ain't gonna finish them so we need you' she said.

'Nah i don't eat pancakes from a faker' he said as he turned a page.


'A faker, bro what' she said sitting on his bed.

'Don't try to act stupid y/n you might be pretty but your not dumb'  he said looking back at her.

'No I'm confused how am i a faker wait are you still mad that i went away for 3 days even though i said im sorry it was wrong for me to do that but I'm back and I'm making it up to all of you i made your favourite breakfast and now I'm being called a fa-' she said but was cut off by tony.

'Your going out with benny even when you said you'll time with us' he said putting the magazine down.

How did he know?

'U- umm yes unm how did you know that' she said stuttering on her words

'Doesn't matter y/n. Its like you don't like us anymore'

' you're right because i love you guys' she said hugging her brother.

'In fact i'll take you guys with me plus we're only playing baseball thats its' she said getting up.

'You ain't gonna be smashing' he said making y/n laugh

'Ew no smashing. Now come eat some pancakes and hide that dirty ass magazine'

y/n and her sibling approached to the location benny sent and it gave her instant deja vu. When she was younger benny and the baseball team would come and practice. No drama, no stress just memories and dedication.

'BENNY' all her siblings screamed which made her snap out of her thoughts.

'hey guys long time no see' he said with a smile on his face fist bumping the two younger boys and picking up Scarlett.

'Scar you've gotten so big looking more like y/n' he said putting her back down.

'Hey' he said smiling at the older girl

'Hey' she said hugging him.

'Thank you for letting me bring them I'm really sorry' y/n said while pulling away.

'Aye thats ok' he said looking in her eyes.

Y/n would've felt awkward in this situation but instead she was in to it she didn't break eye contact or nothing.

'Alright enough with the lovey stuff LETS PLAY' said as everyone ran after her to the equipments.

after 20 minutes of teaching scarlett how to throw a ball properly and everyone playing y/n but losing against her. It was now a second round between benny and y/n. Y/n patted the ball against her to hands and aimed at benny as he missed the shot and got caught by tony. Scarlett cheered on the side as she decided she wanted to be the cheerleader.

'One more round' benny said for the 5th time

As y/n aimed at him he redeemed himself by hitting the ball a bit too hard. Going all the way to the pathway filled with trees.

they all looked at each-other and everyone said 'not me' in sync except for y/n.

'ugh fine' she said walking off grabbing her phone just incase some crackhead is waiting on her.

as she reached the pathway she searched the bushes, piles of twigs, flowers everything. As she saw this one mini tree under it was the ball.

As she reached down she felt a hand go on her back

'Who the fu-'

'Hi y/n' ruben said

'Bro what the fuck. You gotta stop doing this shit. Are you following me? Im with my family you creep.'

'oooh so benny is your family now..what like husband'  he said reaching in his pocket.

'No fuck Ruben. What are you doing here'

'Bouta play baseball with the guys' he said pulling out a cigarette.

'But I'm playing baseball' y/n said

'Cool lets play together' he said putting his hand over her shoulder.

'Ruben no i can't' she said stopping.

'Why we're already here'

As she looked away her heart quickly stopped as she saw fuckshit, ray, Tobias , tony , sunburn , Jackson and benny playing the baseball game with one of the extra balls they found. And what made her even more angry was to see her best friend and her little sister cheering on side lines.

'Go fucking mets right' Ruben said as he blew the smoke in the air before dropping and stepping on the cig and running off to play.

'Hey y/n we found another ball in the bag sorry about that and your friends are great' benny said before going back to the game.

She lifted a thumbs up and walked over to Mia and scarlet.

'Look what the fucking cat bought in' y/n said sitting next to Mia.

'Y/n language' scarlet said.

'Yes language' Mia agreed laughing.

'Sorry. But you told Ruben i was here' 

' girl look at your snap story'

'Oh shit i did post it on my snap story' y/n remembered

'Plus the guys were over and we bored and i wanted to see you but they're nosy asses wanted to come.'

'Fuck' y/n said again

'language y/n' Mia and scarlett said in sync

As the girls watched the game it was the last round was Ruben going to win or benny. As benny threw the ball and and Ruben missed the hit  bennys team all cheered. ( i don't know how American baseball works bro😭😭)

y/n ran up to him and gave him a hug as he picked her up and spin her around

'you did it!!!'

'Heck yeah obviously' he said

'hmm same old cocky benny' y/n said smiling looking in his eyes.

'As always' he said smiling right back.

As the two came closer the more y/n wanted him as he grabbed her waist and looked at her lips until...

scarlet shouted talking about Fuckshit.

'Umm yes wait hold up I'm coming' she said

'Or maybe just a few more minutes' benny said.

'Im sorry maybe later i promise this time' she said grabbing her stuff then running off

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