Chapter 16

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warning: sexual assault and attempted rape are involved in this story.

50 minutes went and the girl was officially blackout drunk. Fuckshit insisted on taking care of her but benny said it was fine. When everyone went back to doing their own thing. He'd try and persuade the girl to drink more and touch her inner thighs.

'Benny i don't feel too- so good.' She stummered.
' cmon y/n just breathe.' benny said as he continued to play with her hair.
she attempted to stand up but struggled but still got up somehow. The boy followed her and pulled her into a random room. It was dark and cold but somehow managed to get pushed onto the bed making her migraine get worse. The lamp next to the bed stand was turned on making the girl squint. The door was shut and the boy hopped on to the bed next to the girl who couldn't even think straight. He stared at her like how he did back in the kitchen.

'Y/n i dont think you know how long i wanted this' he said.

'Just me and you not those annoying ass kids all up in our fucking business disturbing OUR time' he said.

'those are my friends benny' she said barely opening her eyes.

'naaah y/n you're better off with me' benny said carressing her breast.

'Benny please stop i dont like this'she said slurring her words tryna get up but got dragged back down.

'Please get the fuck off of me i dont feel good' the sounds of a belt being unbuckled made her stop talking.

'Benny what are you doing..benny can i leave i dont feel good' she said repetitively. She trying to get up but got turned around and put her hands behind her back and using his hands as handcuffs then put the girl face flat on the bed.

'y/n if you don't shut the fuck up this wont end well shut up' he said as his hot breath hit her ear.

She started getting scared. She felt alone but didn't know what to do which made her feel stupid. She jumped out of her thoughts as she felt a rip of her jumsuit. The boy ripped the back off her jumpsuit which made the girls eyes water. As his jeans dropped she felt sick to her stomach to what was going to happen next. No matter how drunk she was she couldn't let this happen. She had to do something.

She managed to get out of his grip. But got pushed onto the bed for the 4th time.

'Benny please stop your scaring me' she said starting to kick and groan.

The boy grabbed her by her neck and continued to rip her jumpsuit making her sob and beg.

Rubens pov

As the boy finished his night with brielle he applied his clothes back on sitting back on the edge of the bed watching the girl fix her hair.

'was it good' she said facing the boy.

'Uhhm yeh i guess' he said with a deafening silence following.

'Ruben i know you like that bitch im just tryna get back at her dumbass' she said going on her phone.

'What who you talking bout' he said looking up.

'You know exactly who im talking about..but i guess its too late. Bennys dealing with her now.' Brielle said with a smirk.

'wait so you did all this shit to get back at y/n. I gave myself to you just so you could use me to get back at someone' he said standing up.

'I did you a favour'

'Naah bruh your fucking sick' ruben said leaving the room.

'ok. but dont go crying to y/n. That bitch dont love you no more maybe because you dont how to fucking share your feelings since your a hopeless bitch.'

At this point he couldn't be bothered to argue back he went to go find his friends and to see if she was really right about y/n and benny.

As he was about to walk down the stairs. He heard screaming come from the room around the corner. He didn't know if he should mind his business or help until he heard y/ns name being mentioned.

No thoughts he rushed to the room within a heartbeat.
Kicked the door with his foot and his heart dropped once he saw the scene.

As much as ruben didn't want to show how much je really cared. He hated seeing her like this he didn't care if he was going to let his 'i dont give a fuck' image down or if he embarrassed himself. He hated him. He hated how happy he used to make her without struggling. Now he let let her down by taking advantage of her.

As the room became quiet Ruben was look at benny and benny was looking at Ruben. Y/n just watched the two.

'Can you shut the door' benny said still holding eye constant.
The silence was loud until ruben charged after him and started punching him. He started getting at it until benny managed to get on top of him and start beating him up.
Y/n felt weak, she already felt useless enough and terrified.The girl moved back onto the bed, her hands covering her ears. Closing her eyes tight hoping she could open her eyes back into her room.

The sound of grunting and punching died down then the sounds of shouting and 'stop' were heard.

Someones arms were wrapped around her. She didn't even have to look who it was. It was mias sweet fruit scented mist which made y/n feel safe yet she was still mad on how she left her by herself.

This wouldn't have happened if it was for the rum she thought to herself.

Authors corner: imma start updating more guys!!!🤘🏾

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