Chapter 14

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'we're gonna be having the best costumes for the party y/n im telling you' mia said eyes glued to her phone.

'I mean obviously i'm the one who picked it.'

As the 2 arrived in the changing rooms for their 4th period class they went up to the lockers and started undressing. They were clearly excited as they were talking about it so constantly but stopped as the room went quiet.

This girl has never been mentioned in y/ns story maybe because shes barely in school and y/n never mentions her because y/n hates her guts. brielle. The bitch thats been hating on y/n and mya since 6th grade. The two best friends dont know why she hated them in the first place but the shit she tried putting them through was just getting tiring for the two. The stank ass snob and her 2 friends came in doing that annoying giggle they do in sync smelling like cigarettes and victoria secret perfume.

'Why do they always do that annoying ass laugh like they in the fucking movies' mia said while turning back and putting her gym shorts on.

'What was that mia' brielle said faking a smile at the girl.

'Cause if you got something to say im right here ma'

'Bitch you heard exactly what i fucking said' mia said folding her arms together

'Mia chill ignore that bitch lets talk more about the party.' Y/n said tryna distract her friend.

'Oh i know damn well you to lil girls aint going to maseys halloween party' she said butting in the convo

'We are and what about it you got a problem' y/n said now arguing with her.

'Naah im just saying it starts way past your bed time' she said turning to her friends for validation.

'Bitch nobody there  like you i bet you dont even have dates.' Mia said shutting her locker turning to the girl.

'Oh really wow who are your little boy toys' she said.

'Jackson and...ruben' mia said not obviously thinking.
Y/ns eyes widened and gave her friend a slight nudge.

'wait..ruben' Brielle said crossing her arms.

'If Ruben is going out with you y/n then why was he at my house last night taking my bra off for me and why was he asking me to be his plus one' she said with a sly smirk on her face.

'but i never sai-' y/n said getting cut off.

'hmm think again y/n do you really think ruben would want to be with you. How would he even have time to date you if your to busy raising your siblings.' She said getting closer.

'at least i've got something better to do than be a fucking prostitute' y/n said getting closer.

All ooos and 'burns' were coming out of the girls mouths as they watched the altercation until.

'Alright enough with the one on one girls we got volleyball to play' said there p.e coach.

'Out out' she said pestering the girls to get the changing room.
As y/ns team was off the court on the bleachers she was trying to get what brielle said off her mind. Thing is about y/n. She acts like she forgets the words people say in a second but it still hurts her.deeply. And she struggles to hide it. She didn't know how Mia could hide it so good. Y/n wasn't so proud of her background but she tried her best not like brielle knew. Muffled noises from Mia talking about her life were playing in the background. But y/n didn't seem to care. She wanted to fuck the bitch up and her friends so bad.

'And then he just like..y/n. Bro don't tell me your upset about what that smooch said about you'

'Huh oh naah im not upset why you think that'

'Y/n im your best friend i know. Bro dont listen to her. She dont know your story like me or you do. You are literally the best sister ever the big sister i wish i had, your siblings are so lucky to have you and your mom, shes in pain and thats not yours or the kids fault. Brielles a bitch anyways and the whole ruben sitch wasn't true' she said rubbing her friends shoulder.

'No Mia it is. It probably is true. i dont know what to fucking do if i should give benny another chance or.. fuck' she said going back to silence.

'Nope no your not gonna do that' mia said shaking her head. It took some seconds for y/n to say what she needed to say.

'Or if i should fucking like ruben Mia. Part of me wants to but i think its bad. Like not good for me.' she let out.

'Alright team Mia. Your on the court.' Coach said.

'Cmon y/n' mia said grabbing her friends hand.

'Yess go on girls do your very best. Make y/n you don't get hit by the ball so you dont get trapped in your freak thoughts of me fucking ruben tonight' brielle said but got pushed falling on the floor by y/n sending laughs from everyone.

'ahahaha thats what you get for talking like BITCH.' Mia said standing over her.

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