chapter 3

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* i wanted to let that that you have got the  position of full time lifeguard can you come  down tomorrow at 9am  and we  will  get your uniform and some  paperwork done* hoppo said
* seriously Thank you so much and ok see you tomorrow* i said back to him    I decided  i would phone ash to tell him the good news i tried ringing him but he wasn't  answering so i just texted him instead
*Me to ash
Heyy youu you will never guess what  I GOT THE  BLOODY JOB FULL TIME ASWELL i cant believe  it  i have to go to hoppo (my new boss) office to sort some things out, hope the tours going good you should be in Amsterdam  right hows the boys what colour is  Michael's hair today?   you speak soon yeah i miss you
*end of text*
i decided  to put  some  music on i put imagine dragons on top of the world its somes up how im feeling about getting the job i end up dancing to good girls by 5 seconds of summer when i hear *eh em* i turn around to see kerbox,maxi,deano,whippet,jesse and gonzo *holy shit* that  came out abit louder  than intended  *zarli rose watch your language* kerbox goes *opps sorry dad* i said while all the other guys laugh *shut up or else* me and kerbox both say at the time whippet goes to me *so have you heard  from hoppo yet ?*   *yes he not long phoned and I got the full time position* i told them all then then i heard well done  bout time  we had a women  on the team dad and maxi came up and gave me a hug *im so proud of you rose your mum would be over the moon proud of you* hearing dad say that just make me wish my mum was here and also how much i miss her *right im going in my room bye guys* i sit on my bed and put finding nemo on when maxi comes in and sit on the bed next to me and hugs me we just sit there  like  that watching  nemo till it came to the  part where  the turtles are in *thats why u call  you squirt cause he is small and your a midget and small too* pointing to the  smallest  turtle called  squirt while  grinning  *heyyy so i like being a midget* i said while  jokingly  punch  his arm *oh by the way  whip and the guys want to go out to the  bucket list they  say its to  celebrate you getting the  job and whip says that sweets is going to be there aswell* maxi said *ok then let's  go i  will  have a few drinks and great ive not seen sweets in ages* when we get to the bucket  list i see the guys have got us a table i see sweets and give her a hug *hey z  how are you* *I'm good thanks hows  you and whip* let me explain abouts sweets ive known her for years she love sweets hence the nickname she has naturally long curly auburn hair and turquoise eyes also  she has 3 ear piercings and whippet have been dating for like a good 3 years now *sweets i love what your wearing you look great* i say sweets is wearing a short black skirt and a colourful crop top which shows  of her naval piercing *aw thanks  so do you are the shoes I got you for your birthday last year* pointing to the black heels with a pink strap i was wearing a  powder pink skirt and a black top we go to  where the boys  are starting a  came of pool they decided  to do  teams sweets and me versus whippet  and maxi the losing pair has to buy the winning pair drinks  for the rest of the night. Whip and maxi had one ball left to pot and sweets and me had two left to pot, it was sweets turn to play she pots the first ball then  pots the second  ball * z we won*sweets shouts  *i didn't know you  was good  at pool well done so do you want the same drinks again then * whip asks us but mostly  aimed  at sweets *yes please* we both say after a few too many drinks  it was  me maxi gonzo whippet sweets and jesse the others had gone home a while ago to see  their family  and some of them had work tomorrow  maxi and gonzo was dancing  to whip my hair it was such a funny sight one that had to be filmed and put in instagram with the caption @willowsmith I think i have some new backing  dancers  for you. Jesse  is sat next to me and points that whippet and sweets are leaving *heyy squirt are you  missing your boyfriend while he's  away* maxi shouts while stumbling ove * i think you have had too much corona maxi i dont know what your talking about* meanwhile  jesse  has filmed our convosation and sent it  to everyone *right jesse  and gonz make sure you both get home safely  im gonna take maxi home bye* i say to the two guys i decided  to let maxi sleep on the  sofa at mine and dads place as it was closer to the bucket list when we get home maxi heads stright  to the sofa  while singing the theme  tune to bondi rescue and then falls asleep so i head to my room and get changed in to some pjs. The next  morning i go in to the living  room and maxi  isn't  there kerbox walks in *dad have you seen maxi  he said here last night on the sofa cause he had one to many and was hammered and now i cant find him the doors locked so hes not gone out* * zarli have you checked  the bathroom  i heard some strange sound but i thought it was you* i head to the bathroom  and open the doors to a right sight there lying in the bottom  of the  shower is maxi suuch a great time to play a prank i get kerbox to record it  i creep forward  and turn the shower on and watch as maxi wakes up and shoots up out  the shower *what the hell , i will get
You both  back for that rember squirt your still a rookie at work compared to  everyone  else*  maxi says while being handed  a towel  from kerbox
*shit its 840 i am meant to be meeting hoppo at nine at the pavilion* I say while running round getting  dressed in to a navw blue bikini and black  shorts and black strappy top *bye dad bye maxi* i run to bondi when i get there its five minutes  to nine hoppo comes walk my *right zarli rose lets go into my office* hoppo  gives me my uniform  and we bit of paper work  we had to deal with and he told me when i was to start work and then i wad free to go so i head to the home and decide to bake re velvet  cupcakes with a cream cheese frosting piped on top as i finish  the clearing up my phone goes off and its a text from ashton
* ash to me
Heyy zar well done on the  job Michael's hair is green  today  but he says hes going to dye it pink tonight and oh yeah luke and cal say they want to teach you how  to skateboard  when we get back from tour*

Hmm something  seems up with ash his text doesn't seem  as cheerful  as normal
*me to ash
Hey you ok you don't  seem your normal  self*
* ash to me
Hey  im ok*
Wow something is definitely  wrong but he wont tell me what.

It was my first day  at work and i walk in to the tower *hey guys* i say to maxi, deano, harries, max ayshford, jesse and yatesy *so zarli who  is this mysterious  boyfriend  maxi mentions in the  video eyy*

So i have made a character  for Sweets_ to say thank your for helpimg me with the initial  idea of the story  and being there  for advice

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