chapter 2

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As me and dad get to the pool i head stright the pool i told him im heading to sign up.when i actually get to the table to sign up im greated with "hello darlin are you finally applying" from harries and " hey zarli its about time kerrbox has been talking about you coming to tryouts since you told him" from reidy just as im about to reply to both of them i hear someone shout "roseeeeeeee" i turn around to see my best friend trent 'maxi' maxwell ive known him for ages we are so close and he is the only person other than the rest of The 5sos boys that know about me and ashton "hi maxiiii i have to go get changed speam later ok" i head to the changing rooms and get my dark blue costume on and i tie my hair in a bobble and i grab my goggles and towel and head back out to the pool i put my towel on side where the seating area is. Hoppo tells everyone who is next which includes me so i head to the pool lane that i will be in " right so for this part you have to swim 800 metres in under 10.30 mins i see someone come other to my lane i realised that it was ryan 'whippet' Clark " hey zarli rose I will be timing you today" "seriously you are the only person that actually calls me zarli rose" "and? ... anyway on 3 go 1, 2, 3 go" i set of i love swimming since i was little whenever i swim it always make me close to my mum who passed away a couple of years ago due to something called dvt which i don't fully understand what it is, i start think about other times with my mum and dad such as holidays and my prom when suddenly i hear "time your finished" so i get out the pool and grab my towel which is when i notice that maxi has decided to wrap jacket round his shoulders so i glare at him " what your jacket is fluffy" "ok if you say so maxi" im about to walk off when whippet comes up and says "Zarli rose you was amazing your time was 9 minutes and 22 seconds you beat alot of thw returning guys including your dad and maxi" i turn to maxi "wow 9.22 mins" "well done zarli so do you want to walk up to beach with me" "yeah sure let me just get my things and tell my dad and then we can go" " ive already told kerbox and he said ok see you later" "trust you to already ask him and so thats why i can't find him" so me and maxi walk to bondi beach for the second part of the try outs.
We head to where hoppo and some of the other lifeguards and the two other people that made it through are standing "right so this part is made up of a 700m board paddle and a 800m ocean swim to round the marker and back and then finally a sand run round the cones marked out you have to the finish line you have to complete it in 20 minutes or under" hoppo told im in the first wave with the other 2 candidates im the only that has made it this far, i can hear hoppo saying to us "on your marks ...get set ...go" i ran out to do the swim leg , i come back to shore and grab one of the lifeguard boards god i understand what they mean when they say that the boards are heavy i still continue im on my way back to shore i put the board down and start to run and i see the finish line ahead i push my self to make past the line i move to the side and just sit there waiting to hear my time. When my dad and deano comes up to me deano goes to me "well zarli your time is 17 minutes and 35 seconds well done" "well done in finishing zar one of the other candidates decided to drop out because he could cope" kerbox told me hoppo got everyone to gather around "right so thanks for coming today you all did really well i will call you later to let you know if you made it as a full or part time position or a traineeship. You can all go now"
Maxi comes over to me and says "hey do you wanna go get something to eat then come to mine and watch a movie?" " yeah sure can we get just go to maccas then take it back to yours" "yeh thats ok" i told my dad im going to hang out with maxi for abit so i won't be back for a while we got to maxis place and he decided that we would watch the first shreak movie "i love this one donkey is the best" i told maxi "so how are you and ashton doing ey ? Has he spoke to you since he's been on tour ?" He goes to me so i tell him "yeah he messaged this morning saying tour is great and the English weather is cold and thats it really anyway im goimg to go home now bye see you soon" "bye roseee"
*2 days later*
I am sat at home watching the music channel and they have a special on 5 seconds of summer so i turn it up louder and it comes to a part where the boys are being interviewed and ashton got asked do you have a girlfriend i wonder how he replied i remember him telling me about
This interview He goes "yes i have been dating such a beautiful girl from my home town back in Australia but thats all i am going to say so she can still have some privacy for now"
Aw thats so sweet of him to talk about me like that if only people know it would be so much easier as that part of the interview was on kerbox walks in saying "did you hear that the one you like is seeing someone unlucky zar there's always next time" and with that word of wisdom he walks back into the kitchen.
My phone suddenly goes off i turn the sound off and answer my phone "hello zarli rose speaking" "ah hi zarli its bruce hopkins here i wanted to let you know how you did so i wanted to let you know that ..........

Soo what do you guys think of this chapter does zarli rose got a job at bondi or not read on in the next chapter to find out
Also any tips or advice about the story or my writing would be greatly appreciated thank you for reading :)

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