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November 6th 1983


The alarm is going off, a man in a lab coat is running down the hall. He's being chased by something. As he's running he comes to the elevator. He frantically presses on the button to get the doors open. As he gets in he hears the distant scratches of whatever was chasing him. He stands there. Waiting for the doors to close. When he hears a growl coming from above him. He slowly lifts his head to look up. Only to be grabbed and pulled up while the doors close.


"Something is coming, something hungry for blood. A shadow grows on the wall behind you, swallowing you in the darkness. It is almost here." Mike says. ''what is it?" asks will "it's probably the demogorgon." says dustin. We all groan "oh jesus we're so screwed if it's the demogorgon". Hello, names Elise. And these are my friends Mike, Will, Dustin and Lucas. I've known Dustin the longest though, since our parents are friends. Currently, we're playing d&d. It's our favourite game. Mike's our Paladin, Will is our Wizard, Dustin is the Artificer, Lucas is the Ranger and I'm the Druid. My character can turn into a bear. It's my favourite animal. "It's not the demogorgon" persists Lucas. "An army of troglodytes charge into the chamber" Mike yells as he slams the figurines on the table. "Troglodytes?" "told ya" Lucas says with a 'told you so' tone. We all snort at it. "Wait a minute? Do you hear that? Th- That sound. Boom. . . Boom. . . BOOM!" Mike yells while slamming on the table. I jump at the action. I've never liked loud noises. "They didn't come from the troglodytes- no that- that came from something else" there was a minute of silence between us all.

"It's the demogorgon!" Mike yells while slamming the figure on the table. We all groan loudly, the last thing we wanna deal with right now. "We're in deep shit" Dustin groans. "Will! Your action!" Mike tells will. "I don't know" "fireball him!" Lucas shouts. "I have to roll a 13 or higher!" "Too risky, cast a protection spell!" Dustin says. "Don't be a pussy, fireball him!" "no will it's not worth it, just cast protection" "what Elise said!" We all start bickering on what Will should choose. "The demogorgon is tired of your silly human bickering! It stomps towards you! boom!" "Fireball him!" "another stomp, boom!" "No Will cast protection!" "he roars in anger! boom!" "PROTECTION!" Everyone starts screaming fireball, protection, fireball, protection. Will throws his dice "Fireball!" the dice fall on the ground and we all start roaming the floor trying to find them "oh shit, where'd they go" "i don't know" "where is it" "i don't know!" "Is it a 13?" "I don't know!!" "oh my god oh my god oh my god-" "mike" "where is it!-" "MIKE!" "no i can't find it" "oh my god oh my god-" then Mike's mom Karen comes and opens the door. "Mike" "Mom we're in the middle of a campaign" "You mean the end? Fifteen after" mike runs up the stair "mom wait-". We all start packing our things."Why do we have to go?" Will groaned. "Well that went fantastically" I said. "Oh! I got it, does a seven count?" "You got a seven? Did Mike see it?" Will shook his head. "Then it doesn't count" Dustin picks up the pizza box they had. "Hey, does anyone want this?" "No!" Lucas and Will shout. Dustin started walking up and I followed him. But he didn't go toward the front door. "Where are you going?" I asked. "Giving this to Nancy" I went up the stairs with him. Dustin waved at Nancy "No, Barb i don't think so" "Hey, Nancy. There's a slice left if you want it. Sausage and Pepperoni" "Hold on "Nancy said and started walking to the door, we both smiled at her but then she shut her door, in our faces. Dustin looked at me, Astonished. "I'll take it." I said while grabbing the slice.

Once we all got outside we grabbed our bikes while Mike stood at the door. "There's something wrong with your sister" "What are you talking about?" Mike asked. "She's got stick up her but" I said. "Yeah, It's because she dating that douche, Steve Harrington" "Yeah, she's turning into a real yerk" "She's always been a real yerk" "Nu uh, she used to be cool, like that time she dressed up as a elf for our elder tree camagin" "for year ago!" "just saying" "bye guys" i said as i started biking the opposite way. "Bye Elise, see at school tomorrow!"

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