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We were all in Mike's basement now. The girl was sitting on his couch, wearing his jacket, shivering from the cold. "Is there a number we can call for your parents?" she looked up at us with a frightened look

"Where's your hair? Do you have cancer?" "Dustin! You can't ask stuff like that!" "sorry" "Did you run away?" "Are you in any kind of trouble?" "Is that blood?" The boys kept bombarding her with questions so I spoke up.

"Guys stop asking so many questions, you're freaking her out" "she's freaking me out!" Lucas shouted while looking at me. "I bet she's deaf" I shot my head towards him "Dustin don't" but he didn't listen and clapped his hands in front of the girl's face, she flinched away, what a surprise. "Not deaf" "Alright, that's enough, alright? She's just scared and cold" Mike said while keeping his eyes on the girl.

I looked around and saw a hamper of washed clothes. Walking over I started digging for any warm clothes to give her. I grabbed a sweater and a pair of sweatpants. "Here, put these on, it'll keep you warm" I said while giving her the clothes. She took them, stood up and started removing her shirt.

"NO NO NO!! Oh my god oh my god oh my god!!" We all panicked and stopped her. "No no see, over there?" I told her while pointing to the bathroom. "That's the bathroom. Privacy, get it?" she nodded. I then guided her to the bathroom, and while I was closing the door she suddenly stopped me.

"No." "You don't want the door closed?" she shook her head. "Ok, how about this" i left the door open about 2 or 3 cm. "That ok?" she nodded, and I walked back to the boys. They were bickering about her almost undressing herself in front of us.

"She says yes and no, your 4 year old sister can say more than that" "she tried to get naked" "there's something seriously wrong with her, like, in the head wrong" "she just went like." Dustin then proceeded to demonstrate what she did by pretending to lift his shit. At the same time he knocked his cap off. "Guys will you stop, she's obviously traumatised, give her a break" i said, then Lucas said the most outrageous thing yet. "I bet she escaped from pennhurst" "from where?" "the nut house Kerley county" "got a lot of family there" i snickers at dustin's comment. "Bite me". "I mean seriously, think about it, it explains her shaved hair and why she's so crazy" "Lucas stop, you don't know what she's been through" "why she went like" Dustin demonstrated yet again by 'lifting' his shirt. I rolled my eyes so far back I think I saw my brain. "She's probably a psycho" "like Michael Myers" "exactly! We should have never brought her here!".

I stopped listening to them and walked towards the bathroom. Knocking lightly on the door I asked "are you doing alright?" she slowly opened the door to show she was fully dressed, i gave her a gentle smile.


The boys had informed me of the plan and I was now on my way home, hoping to god dad didn't notice I was gone. When i got there I noticed dad's car wasn't there. And I had never been happier to know dad wasn't home. I went in and cleaned the wet shoe prints I left behind. Then I quickly got in my pj's and got under the covers, and just as I was done I heard dad's car pull up. Safe to say I had never been more grateful in my life.


I walked into class and went to my seat that was in front of Dustin. I hadn't seen Mike yet though. "Oh this is weird. He's never this late" "Im telling you, his stupid plan failed" "Cant you be at least a little optimistic?" I said while turning towards the two. "I thought you liked his plan?" "Yeah but obviously it was stupid, or he'd would be here" "if his mom found out a girl spent the night-" "iv'e spent the night at his house-" i began but Lucas cut me of "He's in deep shit right now" "hey, what if she slept naked-" "Dustin she dint sleep naked" "Oh if Mrs. Wheeler tells my parent" "no way, Mike would never rat us out" "i don't know" "All that matters is, after school, the freak will be back in the loony bin, and we focus on what really matters, finding Will" the bell rang and I turned forward.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18 ⏰

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