Chapter 1: Lucky Isle

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Deep in the Grand Line, just past the Florian Triangle habits a small island barely visible past the waves. The only visible thing to mark the island's location is a mighty lighthouse, with the emblem of the world government painted greatly in blue. This lighthouse is a symbol of ownership that this particular island is the property of the world government. 

This island is called Lucky Isle, a post for the marines to take base near Sabaody Archipelago in case their services are called into action if crew-mates need rescuing from the Florian Triangle, or by the Celestial Dragons. The closer you approach this lighthouse if you just so happen to be brave enough, you will come face to face with a strong wall of stone bordering the island, with canons poking out from the wall ready to fire at any pirate trespassers. 

Beyond the barrier of the wall, a lively city of lights and sailors bustle about, for you see, Lucky Isle is also quite the hot spot for gambling. Marines can relax and indulge in the island's casinos, hotels, brothels, and many bars and restaurants. Slots ring out in the streets, and the smell of cigars and cigarettes lingers in the air. Rich tourists from other islands, as well as the most professional of gamblers, will be found sitting at the poker tables of these casinos, their funds aiding the government's technology and resources. Lucky Isle: a private economy that aids in the benefit of the world government and its exploits.

Dozens of bars, clubs, brothels, and massage parlors are on the island, an easy business under the supervision of the owners that are buddy-buddy with higher-ups. These club owners are to be addressed as "King" or "Sir". The beautiful women that dance and sing in these clubs are one of the main attractions on Lucky Isle. Many men flock to bars hoping to get lucky in other ways than gambling. 

King Amore was on his way to his private club: The Tiger Lily. He strolled humming down the street, his round sunglasses covering his gaze as the twinkling lights of the city reflected in the lenses. He stood tall and prim, one hand in the breast pocket of his red pin-stripe suit jacket, the other hand pinching onto a cigar. Amore kept his long orange hair pristine, brushed and greased back out of his face. He approached a building with "Tiger Lily" lit in neon red crested above the entrance. It was a grand place, around the corner and suddenly in your face. "Stunning girls" and "Most beautiful maidens" were advertised on the walls on large posters, a pair of double red doors then calling you inside. 

A bouncer greeted Amore, opening the doors for him without a question or another word. 

King Amore removed his sunglasses once entering the dimly lit building, music of drums, piano, and strings seductively playing through the atmosphere. His shined shoes paced up a set of red-carpeted stairs, leading way to the VIP guest area. Over the balcony, one could get a view of the whole club. Black tile adorned in red carpets and tassels, a bar with all seats taken, tables spread across the floor each with its own ashtray for its residents to smoke all they want, all surrounding a grand center stage. A band of musicians in masks played slow and sultry sounds, as maidens dressed in the most suggestive of attire danced bare feet to the slow swaying of the music. 

A servant brought Amore his usual drink as he took a seat in his chair. "Thank you." He mumbled as took his drink and shook it around to mix its contents. 

"You hear about the latest news stirring around, big man?" A man in a black suit and tie sat on the table Amore sat at.

"Pray tell". Amore said into his glass, then took a drink.

"The world is going absolutely wild. A rag-tag band of pirates calling themselves Straw Hats invaded Enies Lobby, can you believe it? They sure made the big boys mad."

"You haven't heard of the Straw Hats yet, Margoph? Where have you been?" Amore chuckled before taking another sip of bourbon. "They are becoming quite the nuisance to the Navy, wreaking havoc it seems wherever they drop anchor. I'm as shocked as anyone else that he would have the guts to invade a base like Enies Lobby. Sheesh..."

"Isn't he just a youngster? Thought he'd be too green to take on the Navy-"

"It's because he's young." Amore interrupted, giving this man named Margoph the side-eye. "Young pirates like him are going to be the World Government's worst enemy. A new generation always questions the ways of the world because they are naive, but they are also seeing the world from a new pair of eyes. If they are strong enough, they will challenge anything they see that doesn't make sense." He firmly places his empty glass on the wood table in front of him. "Anyways..." Amore leans back to make himself comfortable, resting his hands behind his head. "What time does my girl perform?"

"In about 30 minutes, King." Margoph fixed his glasses. He leaned against Amore's throne crossing his arms and sighed. "She definitely has been a challenge, but she's been adjusting."

"Good, good..." 

"Adjusting at her own pace..." Margoph mumbled under his breath quiet enough nobody heard.  

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