Chapter 1 : " I like you "

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3rd person POV :

Bruce wakes up and picks his clothes out his closet , and changes. He was lazy to shower today. Then he got some toast and pet his cat.

Vance decided to attend his classes instead of skipping classes and smoking outside the building because there were only 3 months left of school. So why not try now?

They both arrived to school and went to their class , math . Finney and Bruce were the best in math out of the whole school because no one really liked math.

" Hello , class . Today I will assign seats."
Ms . Brown said. A lot of students whined except for Bruce. He didn't really care about seats , the only thing he cares about is education.

" First , Bruce and Vance will sit in the front by the window " Ms . Brown guided them. ( act like she said everyone )

They sat down and Bruce smiled at Vance , somehow Vance smiled. Was he falling in love? " Hello ! " Bruce greeted . " Hey " Vance said.

( time skip : Lunch )

Bruce started packing up for lunch and then he felt someone touch his shoulder , it was Vance .

" Yeah? "

" I was wondering if I could get your number . " " so we could hang out sometime "

" Sure " Bruce pulled out paper and started writing his number .

Vance had a huge grin on his face.

" here " Bruce handed him the paper with a smile on his face .

" Thanks " Vance said with a grin and winked at Bruce.

Bruce's face looked red as Santa's Outfit.

" I-I have to go now , see you later I guess. " Bruce said

" Byeeee " Vance said dragging out the e with a deep and calm voice. ( if that makes sense )

Bruce walked over to lunch and got his tray with food . He sat down with his friends , Finney , Griffin , Billy and Robin.

" Hey guys " He said.

" hey Bruce " everyone said.

Everyone was talking except Bruce , he was bored and thinking about Vance. He was looking around until he spotted Vance.

Vance was sitting in the hallway eating a sandwich from the cafeteria. Vance didn't have any friends , everyone was afraid of him.

" I'm going to go to the restroom " Bruce said. " okay " everyone else said.

He stood up and walked over to the hallway Vance was sitting at.

" Hi Vance ! " Bruce said with a smile as he sat down.

" Oh , hi " Vance replied smiling back.

" why are you sitting here all alone ? "

" No one really likes me or wants to be my friend just because I've gotten into many fights "

" I like you " Bruce said with a smile and in a sweet voice.

Vance smiled back at Bruce.

I'll do anything , just for you.

" I'll do anything , just for you. "Where stories live. Discover now