Chapter 8 : Forgiveness and Sad Bruce

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Vance's POV :

I needed Bruce to forgive me for being a big jerk. I don't know why I got so jealous , I'm just like that for some reason.

I went to the nearest store and bought Bruce some flowers , a cute teddy bear and his favorite chocolate.

I went home and tried to look good and cool for my Boyfriend. I showered and choose casual clothes. I actually tried to fix my hair.

I got everything that I was going to give to Bruce and walked to his house praying that he forgives me.

I knocked on his house door and he opened it a little bit and peeked through the door with a annoyed look.

" What do you want? " ( B )

" I'm sorry for being so jealous. Can you please forgive me? " ( V )

Bruce slammed the door open and hugged me while crying on my shoulder.

I dropped all the things I had down and hugged him back and kissed his forehead.

" I'm sorry for getting mad at you " ( B )

" I forgive you baby , do you forgive me? " ( V )

" obviously " Bruce then kissed me passionately and I kissed him back.

Then we stopped for breath and I gave him all the presents I had bought him.

" I love it so much , babe " Bruce had gave me a kiss because he liked the gifts.

Me and Bruce watched Texas Chainsaw Massacre since Robin says it's a cool movie.

Everything there was something scary Bruce would scream , jump on me and hug me. I found it cute but he got mad at me.

After the movie finished Bruce put on the news to see what has happened in the world. I turned to see the TV and saw the same place I had lit on fire.

Then it showed the people who were killed in the fire and it showed Nathan.

Bruce then covered him mouth in shock and started crying. I rushed over to him and hugged him.

" shh , baby. You have me. I'll always be here for you , okay? "

Bruce just nodded and response and hugged me tighter.

I hate having to see Bruce cry.

After a while Bruce fell asleep on me and I carried him upstairs to his bed.

I layed Bruce onto his bed and stared at him for a few minutes , admiring how beautiful he is.

Sometimes I wonder why he chose me.


I woke up and saw the time , it was 8:51
and school starts at 8:00.

"Shit were late." I mumbled and tried to get off the bed.

" Please don't leave me. " ( B )

" Bruce , we have school.  " ( V )

" I don't want to go. " ( B )

" Fine , we'll skip. " ( V )

I sat back down and stared at Bruce who was trying to go back to sleep.

" Vance? " ( B )

" Yes , love? " ( V )

" Can you promise me something? " ( B )

" Of course! What is it? " ( V )

" That you'll never leave me. " ( B )

" Promise. " ( V )

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