CONFIDENCE is a tool that help you o fight in this cruel life . Confidence is not an innate, fixed characteristic. It's an ability that can be acquired and improved over time. with high confidence you and you can fight everyone alone you can stand with raise your head without any embarrass .
If you have the confidence trust me you will be under the lights because confidence people are very lovely between the people . Trust in your self and walk to the front don't allow to anyone to take his comfort with you if you don't want !!
Many people think about me from the first impression that am a embarrass person but that's wrong I just take my care from strangers .Then when they start to knowing me they just surprise and their reactions make me laugh >__<
If your confidence very low you may will not make someone convince in your opinion specifically in business world .
so let's work to increasing our confidence for us not to others ! There some advices :
Read books like : the confidence code for girls.
Practice self-assured body language.
Make a list of positive qualities.
Get outside your comfort zone.
Be kind to yourself.
Love yourself.
Short Storyshort stories for girls make them more confidence and learn English language , new words while reading too .also talking about the life of girls how it very different and special .