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Hi,  how are you ?am here today to make you realize something .Are you teady?? let's go ! Hey ,you must know that everybody is different everybody is cool nobody is you and the opposite too. 

Everybody is different in the language , culture, religion, in tendency, habits, appearance, Color skin, hair style straight or Carly, nationality, disability and diseases ,others nothing from that we have all them common so why you say that we are same ! ? 

If all the humans are same like how you think that will means no development no to new ideas no to technology because everybody like the one and the one like everyone and that will be boring

remember that you have the power you are special in your own style.

Everybody is different don't talk about equal you and you no one is like me this the fact don't argue if you like or not this is the truth .

If you black duck work hard to shut up their mouths and to be the white duck in another time that you made for it .

From our different new ideas born and we create our chances to prove our selves .

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