Pov lisa
"Paige,Lisa get up you have to go to school" our mum yelled down the stairs. I groaned and rolled out of my bed. I put on some shorts and a grey Mickey Mouse longsleeved tank top on. I put on some make up and did my hair in a high poneytail i picked up my bag and slippers and walked downstairs where my sister paige was already eating, and she was wearig a smiliar outfit only she had a Miney Mouse on her shirt. We looked at eatch other and chuckled. "Thats why we are best friends" she said " Thats why we are sisters" i said and my mum was smiling. "Wheres dad?"i asked "work"she said and i nodded and we ate the rest of our breakfast in peace. Then me and Paige kissed our mum on the cheek brushed our teeth and walked to school.Edited: 7-11-2016

my wolf❤young peter hale fanfic
Fanfictionmeet Lisa Green. she has a younger sister named Paige Green who loves to play cello. lisa and paige are best friends. but what happens when they meet the hale family. and paige becomes a werewolve. and is she peters mate. or is it just a teenage lov...