My relationship with Peter was perfect. We are dating for a while now but i am so nervous for the full moon-who is gonna rise in half an our and i can feel it- whay of a kill someone? What if i hurt someone? What if its peter?
Peter held me close to his chest. Whispering sweet words in my ear. Then Talia came in. "Sweety, listen to my voice okay,im gonna tell you someyhing very important. Find an anchor. Something or someone who is important to you. Find some memmories and focus"talia said before she walked out of the door again. "You're my anchor princess"i hear peter whisper in my ear before i feel my fangs come out and i want to kill. (Cus lisa is born a werewolve/hybrid she is stronger but she hasnt felt a full moon in eightteen years so her desire to kill is stronger)
"Lisa listen to me find an anchor"i hear peter yell over and over again. I run and run in the room. Cant get out. Freakimg mountain ash. I feel a hand on my shoulder and attack. The person easily blocks me and pushes me to the ground and yells that i need to find an anchor. My vision becomes clearer and i see and hear peter. I started to dig into my memmories. The first time we met- i breath in-the stalking on school- breath out- the meeting on the streets-breath in- our first date-breath out-our first kiss-breath in- our first time er did "it"- breath out. Slowly i let all those memmories of peter in. The way he looks. How he smells. The taste of his lips. How he always grabs my waist when we make out. How i want to protect him. Do everything for him. I love him. More then anything in the world. I feel miserable when he is gone. I feel sick when he is gone to long.
I slowly open my eyes again and see peter lookd at me with a smirk and gives me a quick kiss. "I knew i was your anchor too princess"he says. I roll my eyes and kiss him passiontly.
Peter pov.
I smirk when i see her breathing in and out. I hear her softly say my name and i chuckle softly. Im her anchor. Judt like shes mine. I love her and will give my life for her. Im sick when shes gone for too long. Talia knows that. She is up yo something but she doesnt say what. Lisa wakes up and i smirk give het a quick kiss and say "i knee i was your anchor too princess" she rolls her eyes and kisses me with passion. Damn that girbl can kiss. I know i cant get too far. Cus first off all were in the livingroom in a house filled with werewolves who have superhearing and my sister is standing there. " that was better then i suspected sweetheart. You can go home now your sister is worried and alone. Peter you stay here i want to talk to you. " talia says and i gulp and look outside. Damn the sun is already up. We have been kissing for a loooong time. Lisa blushes and i give her a peck on the lips and a hug and she goes home. "What" i groan and look at my sister who just chuckles. "Sit and let me talk"she says and points to the couch. I sighed and sit down waiting till she tells her story.Lisa pov.
I told Paige everything and she laughs happy thay i control it. Probably a side effect of my witchy shit. I got a text from Peter.
Peter is this lisa is thisHey princess,
Talia told me something and i wish i could come too you and tell you all about it but i cant so i will tell you why. You wanna know? XUhm yeah of course i wanna know just tell me baby beta
Okay baby beta really lisa?
Whatever here it goes
Talia says were matesThats all? I think we both knew that Peter. and yes i call you baby beta ehy you have other nicknames for yourself hahaha x
Uhm yeah but thats why i cant come to be sure we cant see eatch other for a couple of days but bc talia is nice i can see you Tuesday again. You know the day before we go to LA x
Yeah yeah but i was just looking up some info. What the shuck is " mating"
Uhm thats making love princess( just asked talia urg)
Omg does peter hale not knoe something..wait if we are mates we already did that part hahaha
Not really sweety mating is diffrent bc you changed for the first time noe your smell is diffrent. Derek and Paige camt cant come to you know cus if they smell you uhm well they kinda rape you and stuff like that....
Yeah yeah i just read it. And i know oaige is a werewolve too i will kill you for that btw. But i have a diffrent smell know and every werewolve wants to rape me and them im theres. So if your my mate we need to "mate"and the smell only stays for you. Frking weird
Hey aint i promise
! plus princess im sure as hell your my mate i already feel miserably i cant touch you right nowOmg peter we are so not having that kind of conversation right now!
Okay baby i love youuuu talia is gonna take my phone away bc of the mate shit. See you later. Dont open the door for anyone expet for me okay? I love you princess
I love you to baby beta and i promise
Heyyy hope your not confused xD. There first text messages yeahh. I updated yeaaah. More upfates are coming uo i already wrote a couple of chapters so yeah. There is a lot gonna happen. I am gonna tell you this. There is gonna be a second book

my wolf❤young peter hale fanfic
Fanfictionmeet Lisa Green. she has a younger sister named Paige Green who loves to play cello. lisa and paige are best friends. but what happens when they meet the hale family. and paige becomes a werewolve. and is she peters mate. or is it just a teenage lov...