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I was sitting at the table in the kitchen. I was just drinking coffee. "COLIN!" I Heard Lani scream. "What is it?" I ask. "Is it true ur dating Tony?!" "What-how did u know about that?!" "sketch told me!!!" I glared at her. "Why are u so p*ssed off about this?" I asked. "Because i love u Colin!!" Then she pulled me in and kissed me. I didn't like it. She didn't kiss like Tony did. Just then,Tony walked in. He was holding a cup of coffee. "Hey coli-" he dropped his coffee cup. I shoved Lani off. "Tony let me explain!!" "THERE IS NOTHING TO EXPLAIN!" He screamed. He ran out of the kitchen and into his room. Lani scoffed. "Finally,that guys gone. Now we can be together." She said with a smile. "NO B*TCH! IM GAY! I NEVER LOVED U AND I NEVER WILL!"I screamed at her. She started to cry. "B-But Coli-" "STFU!!" I screamed. I ran out out and knocked on Tonys door. "Tony..? It's me,Colin." "Go away." I heard him say. "Look Tony..please just let me explain." I heard footsteps then he open the door. "Fine." I walked inside and I stepped inside then closed the door. I look at him. "Tony..I didn't kiss her." "It looked like u did." He mumbled. "No I didn't. She pulled me in and kissed me. I didn't want to kiss her." He looks at me for a second.
Wow...he didn't wanna kiss her. "I'm sorry Colin..." "no Tony...I'm sorry. I should have pushed her off sooner..." I pull him in and kiss him. He kissed back. "Wanna go on a walk?" I asked him. He smiled and nodded. "Alright.." I said with a smirk. A question mark appeared on his monitor. Then I picked him up bridal style. "EEK!" He yelped. He Was all flustered. So cute! I chuckle lightly and kiss him. I carry him out the door. "Can u put me down..?" He asked,still flustered. I smirked. "Sure thing honey." I put him down and hugged him.
*Time skip when they are back home*
Me and Colin walk back to my room. He yawns. "So cute.." I accidentally mumble out loud. A question mark appears on his monitor? "What?" He asks. I blush. "Nothing!" I say. He lays down on my bed. I lay down next to him and gently kiss him.I snake my arms around him and pull him close. He hugs me and lays his head on me. Then he falls asleep.


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