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Lucifer stopped his advance on his father as the guard began walking down the hallway towards their cells, making sure all the presióneles were there.

When he got close enough to Rabs cell, Lucifer acted.

His muscles bunched up and he lunged, his teeth sinking into the man's neck and nails digging into the guards arms.

The man screamed as every last drop of his blood was sucked from his body by the newly transformed vampire.

When Lucifer was finished drinking, the quads was now nothing but an empty corpse on the ground.

The small vamp lifted a hand to his mouth and wiped the remaining of the blood on his hand before licking it off of it.

"My god, Bella, he ate the guard." Rab said staring at Lucifer's latest kill.

"Is he stable?" Bella asked.

"I think so." Rab said and started walking towards Lucifer slowly.

"What happened to me Rab?" Lucifer asked.

"You had your inheritance Luc. Your a vampire and some sort of wolf mix." Rab said looking at his adopted child with a smile.

Lucifer nodded and looked to the dead body. "Did I do this?" He asked.

Rab nodded.

Lucifer sighed and then started laughing.

"I finally killed some one on my own free will. This is great. I love this feeling." Lucifer said, his father figure looked at him with wide eyes.

"Luc, you do know it's not good to kill right?" He said.

Lucifer nodded and tried to stop laughing but failed as small giggles kept escaping his throat.

"Leave him be Rab, he's probably drunk on the blood." Bella said.

Rab nodded to himself and then walked urned to help Lucifer stand, he swayed a bit but managed to stand finally.

"You feeling okay, Luc?" He asked.

Lucifer nodded and then slipped through the bars and went back to his cell, it was no longer cold, and had a warm feeling flowing around it as Lucifer waved his hand.

Sighing in content, Lucifer fell into a dream, but soon realized it was him looking at battles plans from Voldemort.

"We will attack the prison in three days. I know Bella and the twins have bonded with Harry, and I want to tell him I am sorry and that I wasn't in my right mind. Anyways, break out only the top death eaters and Harry." Lucifer heard and smiled.

Voldemort wanted him out of here, along with Bella and the Twins.

He awoke and sat up excitedly. "Guys, he's coming." He said.

"Who's coming Darling." Bella asked.

"Him, our lord is coming. In three days." Lucifer said.

"How do you know little one." Rodo asked.

"First of all I am not little. And second my Govea me a connection to him and I can hear his thoughts and sometimes see what's he's doing." Lucifer said.

"Oh, we'll we should wait to see if you are correct the. Darling." Bella said.

Lucifer smiled a bit insanely about seeing his lord again.

He walked back to his corner and laid down smiling happily as he did so.

(The next day)

Lucifer awoke to the sound of his cell being unlocked.

He looked up and his grin the was still on his face fell as soon as he saw who it was.

"Harry, what has happened to you?" Hermione asked faking concern.

"Who's Harry?" Was his answer.

"You are mate, you Harry Potter." Ron said.

"No, I'm Lucifer Rodolphus Lestrange." Lucifer responded, enjoying the looks on their faces as he said that.

"No you are Harry Potter." Hermione said.

"Was." Lucifer responded.

He was beginning to get frustrated with their presence.

His eyes began flicking between their blood red and his normal avada green.

He hissed when he heard their hearts begin beating faster.

Licking his lips he smiled a bit insanely to scare them.

"Blimey 'Mione. He's a vampire." Ron whispered.

"I Can see that Ronald." She responded backing away from the hungry vamp.

"Ron run. Shut the door and lock it quickly." She ordered when elucidar stood and began walking towards them, fangs extended and eyes a blazing red.

"Run Ron now!" She said again and this time it set Lucifer off, he lunged and his fangs tore ribs throat apart, Hermione screamed when he turned to her and before she could even run, he was in her tearing her to pieces.

He smiled as he drink her blood, and then drunk Ron's, he didn't know why but they tasted so much better than the guards blood.

Slowly standing, Lucifer swayed slightly and giggled as he fell back over, feeling a strong feeling in his stomach that he'd only had once before and the was when he had gotten drunk with Firewhiskey.

He giggled and began to stand again when he saw aurora rushing toward his cell.

His eyes turned red again and the smell of their blood acted as a drug to him.

"Potter, stand down now!" An auror that Lucifer recignized as Kingsley Shacklebolt, ordered.

He giggled again and hiccuped, covering his mouth and aid oops.

"You okay Darling?" The worried voice of Bella asked as he stared drunkly at the aurors.

Her voice snapped Him Out his drunk gaze for a second and he responded.

"Oh why yes mother. These two were quit delicious. I'd think you would agree if you were a vamp to." He said giggling insanely.

The aurors all had looks of uncertainty cross their faces when they heard this.

"Oh, their gonna taste fun too. Perhaps I can lock them and play with them for a while before I eat them." He said.

He used his new found speed and slammed the cell door shut, and slipped through the bars to lock all the locks while the aurors tried to stop him.

"Oh looks like the big bad aurors we're caught by the new Vamp of Azkaban." A voice Harry recognized as one of the other death eaters said.

"Oh this is gonna be fun. And your gonna be delicious to eat after words." Lucifer whispered though it was clearly heard and then he placed the strongest crucio they had ever felt on them.

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