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(Two weeks later)

Lucifer walked hand in hand with George, who had a glamour on, through Diagon Alley. They were preparing for the raid that was going to take place here in less than thirty minutes.

The two of them were setting up muggle explosives that were made by the twins. They will blow the street up. Not the whole street but most of it. Every now and then, the two would grab someone and take them to the dungeon, tying them up and binding their magic.

They would make wonderful blood bags. They couldn't take too many people or the ministry would get suspicious and go after other vampire covens.

They couldn't have that. Especially now with them being allies in the war. Lucifer smirked as they set another bomb under the road, making sure that the time was set for twenty eight minutes.

George nudged Lucifer's hand to the family of redheads who were walking down the street and smirked. Lucifer looked him in the eye and a dangerous glint was shining in there.

Lucifer and George walked to the Weasleys and pretended to be fans. They were wearing glamours that made them look like small teens so that people wouldn't suspect anything was happening as they bent down to pretend to pick up marbles or a ball, when in actuality they were planting bombs.

"Hi! I'm Carson! Are you guys the adoptive family of Harry Potter?" Lucifer asked, pretending to be really excited.

"Yes we are. Who are you?" The matriarch of the family said, sticking her nose up in fake pride.

"Oh. I'm Carson Malfoy. And this is my boyfriend Gregory Lestrange." Lucifer lies smoothly.

"Malfoy and a Lestrange? Filthy death eaters!" Ginny said snobbishly.

"I'll have you know we are not like out parents." Lucifer said pouting.

Then George and Lucifer grabbed Ginny, Molly, Percy, Bill, and Arthur and apparated to the dungeon. The fives magic being instantly stripped. The glamours fell away on the two mates.

"We're worse than those two families. I am Lucifer Riddle and this is George Riddle." Lucifer said smirking dangerously.

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