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Lucifer and Tom landed in the field by the burrow and watched with satisfaction as wards were placed up to prevent the Weasleys from leaving and as the burrow was set on fire.

Bright red and orange flames filled the night sky as smoke billowed from the windows. Lucifer stared transfixed at the damage being done to his once home.

He was surprisingly content with watching the house burn to a crisp as his 'family' ran around, trying to get away from all the death eaters. His observations of the damage were stopped when two incredible smells met his nose.

Looking up at Tom, he made eye contact with the older vampire, and nodded. They set out, hand in hand, searching for the two mates that were here. They followed the scents of fire whiskey and cinnamon to the Weasley twins who were standing next to the broom shed surrounded by death eaters who were ready to fire curses at them at any second.

"Enough! Go join the others. My queen and I will deal with these two!" Tom ordered. The Death Eaters immediately bowed and walked away, not even glancing back as they new the two royals could handle the Weasley Twins.

"What do you want?" One of the twins asked, the one that smelled like cinnamon. He was looking over the dark lord and his gaze moved to the smaller figure standing next to the more intimidating man.

"We want our mates to come with us!" Lucifer said and took a step forward. His eyes shifting from green to red, as he was losing his control at having two more dominants near him.

"We're your mate?" The twins asked. Their eyes widened and their mouths draped open in shock when they received nods from the two dark royals.

"Thats it. I always new I was dark. What about you Gred, you okay with this?" The one that smelled of fire whiskey asked. His twin looked at him, a surprisingly serious look on his face, before it broke out into a similar grin to his twins.

"Of course I am okay with this. The lights full of manipulative people. Dark has always been my side anyways. Let's go." He said and walked over to the dark lord and queen. They both bowed and smirked at finally joining their rightful side in the war.

"Do not bow. You are royals to the dark and bow to no one. Not even your mates." Lucifer said. The twins stood and smiled. Both Tom and Lucifer were taking note of the differences in the twins to tell them apart.

"Now which one is Fred and which one is George?" Tom asked as he looked confused at his two mates.

"I'm Fred and this is George." One twin said and Tom looked unamused as he saw the sly twinkle in the twins eyes.

"No your not, George is you and Fred is you." Tom said as he pointed to the twins. The twins just gasped at him as he said that. Not even their mother knew when they were lying to her. How had their mate, a man they had just met, known they were lying?

"You two have a twinkle in your eyes when your lying." Tom explained to the still shocked twins. Their eyes widened in realization when he said that and pouted slightly when they knew they wouldn't be getting away with anything for a while.

"You guys can do whatever you want to out family. They don't like us that much because we're gay. And they all hit us when no one's around." Fred said and nodded towards his family who were all being either cursed or tied up.

"Let's go my loves. We have a meeting at Malfoy manor in about 15 minutes." Tom said and grabbed one of the twins hand and Lucifer's, while the other twin went to the other side of Lucifer and held his other hand.

Together the four walked up to the edge of the wards and stopped.

"Take them to the dungeons at my manor. My mates and I will allow specific people to come and torture on certain days." Tom said, he waited for everyone to sto chatting a bout that and then spoke once more.

"My mate Lucifer and I have found two of our mates. They will be changed tonight as vampires and no one, and I mean it Bella, no one is to harm them." Tom said, almost slipping into parseltongue along the way.

Tom suddenly turned and the four mates were whisked away to Malfoy manor where Lucius Malfoy was waiting for their arrival. Tom nodded his heads the only sign that he acknowledged Lucius' presence.

"My lord, My Queen, and...?" Lucius asked looking to the twins.

"Lucius, they are also you queens. You shall respect then, no harm shall come to them, and absolutely no ordering them around." Tom said, eyes narrowing at the disgusted look the twin were receiving from the elder Malfoy.

"Of course my lord. Dinner is ready and would you prefer red wine, or blood wine?" Lucius asked.

"Blood wine for Lucifer and I and red wine for the twins." Tom said and pulled his three mates to the dining room where Narcissa and Fraco were waiting for them to arrive.

"Hey Tom. I have found out last mate. You owe me." Lucifer said as he smelt the air in the room. The smell of broom polish and ink radiated off of the youngest blonde in the family.

"It seems my Queens hunch of one of our mates was correct. Draco, come here." Tom said. He was still in his Voldemort glamour and saw the slight amount of fear in Draco's eyes.

He sighed and dropped the glamour and Draco's mouth, along with the twins dropped open in surprise.

"Draco, you, Fred, George, and Lucifer are all my mates. Do you wish to rule beside us as the dark royals or not?"

His four matesWhere stories live. Discover now