01. down the rabbit hole*

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CHIHIRO had been a student that didn't take risks. She stuck to her studies and friends as her focus. Her whole life had been late nights stacked with books to read and analyze. She'd known nothing different from living in the academy dorms, eating academy food, and breathing academy air. A monotonous life she lived while waiting to be tasked with a job after graduation all depending on school performance and an awakening. She wanted to be something more! As a kind young girl who'd occasionally get walked all over, she tried her best to keep going, being hard headed when she needed. And it happened, for a bit, four years ago. Yet after such a traumatic event she reverted for awhile as she navigated growing up.

For Chihiro knew what she was, where she was, wasn't normal. They were taught that Yggdrasil was the heavens to people, the all-seers of multiple realms on the side. That celestials were them. She'd sit in class learning about history and attempt to keep it all straight across centuries. So one day they were split and sorted. If Chihiro were to be plucked from her day to day lives to become a keeper, she's be involved with a world of shinobis. It was confusing. Still was confusing to comprehend how her people were graced with the ability to do so- or what gave them the right?

Four years ago changed everything for her. A close call with death made her question the whole notoriety of her academy and peers, and adults who sat upon it. If these other realms could live their lives in 'peace' and commonness- so could she. She didn't want to impede in lands that didn't need her. She didn't want to be burdened with the problems of others outside her close friends. Chihiro was scared of what her academy and its professors were capable of since the day she clasped the crystal years ago.

Her rich purple robe clung to her as she hugged it close, standing with her three friends. Today was a day she anticipated for the worse while others readied themselves. Kasumi and her confidence never ceased to amaze Chihiro, as she went on and on and on about how fun it was going to be.

A gaggle of students stood in a half circle around a professor who'd be leading todays lesson. They stood in a grand tower building, vaulted ceilings with stained glass windows from top to bottom. A pedestal stood on a rounded platform that had stairs going up to it. An older woman stood upon the stairs besides a crystal ball that stood upon the pedestal. She was dressed in a rich maroon dress and a brown robe, thick glasses on the bridge of her nose. Her eyes were scanning across the faces of the students before she spoke,

"Only a few months left," Professor Melany Lee smiled proudly at the students, "our next possible class of keepers on their way to protect our universe. We have a great duty here, one that many have forgotten while they sit and learn history and math all day. Lack of interference may cause wavering emotions but, without peace and protection of barriers between dimensions there would be chaos. We watch from what they call the heavens, but to us the tree of life, to cast judgement whilst we live our own lives. We are the knowledge they seek, and one of you could be help to extend our understanding of why we are here."

Chihiro could only think it was more bullshit being spewed. There was no greater reasoning for them to spy on others and act 'holier than thou' about it. It made her throat go dry as she thought back to terrible dreams she'd had shoved down her throat after she touched the crystal those years ago.

"Today I am going to help each of you experience spirit drifting- one of the highest honors we have as keepers of Yggdrasil. Can anyone tell me what a spirit drifter does?" she scanned over the students, "Lea?"

"It's when someone is able to detach their spirit or mental state and enter another realm on Yggdrasil's branches to watch over. Nobody is able to see them though and they're able to travel freely."

"Yes. There was a time that many here felt as if we should physically enter these realms and many years ago we could. But that research was shut down after many dangerous mishaps. Yes Rikki?" she pointed to a blonde boy with his hand raised.

"Why? What stopped being able to physically enter and why was research to do so again stopped?"

"It's far too dangerous to have our bodies there. And no one knows the exact reason why physically drifting ended. Now that's all on the matter." Melony Lee was a curt woman who had high expectations for everyone. It was no surprise she wouldn't answer certain questions.

Chihiro blocked out Professor Lee's voice as Kai mumbled something into her ear. Was this a blessing to be in this position? Or a curse? Everyone seemed excited besides her from the looks on their faces as they fidgeted in place. Her mind was already jumping to how she could get out of it. The idea of having her spirit, whole embodiment, transferred to somewhere else entirely. Would it hurt? What if she couldn't get back? Too many questions for her ever anxious head to handle that she was slowing moving towards the end of the line, in hopes they'd run out of time.

"So today, we are going to see a realm I once watched over. It's referred to as the Five Great Shinobi Countries, but more specifically I watched over Konoha. About hmm, twenty years or so ago there had been a great beast that was set on destroying the land. With soft interference, a couple was able to trap the beast, though with great consequences."

Nervous chatter spread about the room as one at a time the eighteen year olds would take their turns at the crystal ball with professor Lee. After, they'd revel in awe trying to describe what it felt like, what they saw. Just for quick seconds they could see the differences in the society and it's peoples. Then they'd jump back with eager smiles to talk to those who already went, Chihiro hated watching the events unfold.

Chihiro had strong feelings towards todays class. But something inside of her was stirring and she felt like she was going to puke. The talks of past research made her nervous as it reminded her of professor Aoi's old lab they stumbled across. It was like there was a power lurking deep inside of her waiting to pounce, she'd feel it from time to time but now it was going to explode. She needed to put her hand on the crystal orb, she could feel it within her. So as Kasumi pushed her forwards towards the professor, she felt a dread wash over.

"Ready Miss Sato?" Chihiro nodded as she stared down at the swirling glass ball of greens and reds. Suddenly she knew she didn't want to touch it, so she tried to turn away. But a hand clasped down on her shoulder then moved to her back to close the gap, "place both hands on it please."

Chihiro whined "No", under her breath, but certainly not loud enough for the professor to hear. It was a desperate noise that left her throat, a plea to stop as her hands shakily went towards the orb. Like a tractor beam was pulling her in, there was no stopping her fate.

It was just like four years ago. The blankness of her mind, her senses. She went rigid as a pained groan emitted from her throat. Her eyes shook in place before white took over her pupils, eyelids closing. She looked like a women possessed, all around her kids were clamoring in fear as they watched their professor try to help her. Panic took over the room as Chihiro lay limp like time ago, unmoving as the teacher shook her. Parallels.

But for Chihiro, everything was swirling. Her vision went dizzy in the midst of churning scenery, like she was dragged from herself. Chihiro had no control of her body as she felt trapped in a vortex at some evils mercy as she faded into nothingness. Around her she could feel dense air swarming by, slow blasting colors of pinks, greens, blues. A salty fresh scent invaded her nose to be followed by cut grass. Her body ached, feeling like she was being ripped apart limb by limb as her eyes seared in pains. Tiny pricks of a thousands of needles punctured at her frail skin as her insides felt they were doing flips. For a second the air around her was pitch black as she desperately tried to see her hands in front of her as her vision regained. But nothing. Until a light shone from a distance, making her try and try to reach for it. The closer it became the more she felt grounded until a whoosh had her out like a light.

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