Chapter 2

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Humans can be considered the personification of Greed, for they will always seek something, and when they have it, they will seek another.

They will never be satisfied. They will continue to greed and greed throughout most of their lives. Whether what they greed for is something small, or something grand.

But it is because of this sin that humanity managed to progress so far despite being so fragile. It is what drives them to progress.

Just because something is generally considered evil, doesn't necessarily mean it is not useful. The good that comes from evil balances the action.
After that fateful night, Arthas grew a new hunger for knowledge in order to satiate his hunger for power. Power rules over all. Power is what will help him accomplish his goals.

That is the law of the world.

If a man does have not the power to protect himself, how can he hope to protect those he love?

He intends to wield this power to accomplish his goals. But he must first achieve it. Arthas hadn't heard from Frostmourne in a while, specifically the voice that spoke to him. Only one time after that.

The name of the voice was Ner'zul. Ner'zul claims to have been an incredibly powerful warlock, one who could even control death. But even he was a prisoner to a greater threat, a threat he had yet to elaborate upon.

Ner'zul couldn't communicate with Arthas often due to a certain prison that encased him.

Before the communication was cut off once again, he told the Death Knight about Frostmourne.

"The runeblade Frostmourne connects you to me, and thus over time I will give you more and more of my power.

But in order to fully realize your potential as the King of the dead, then seek me out. Find me. Free me.

I am not like those foolish arrogant dragons. I still live and exist upon the physical plane somewhere, for that being was not powerful enough to fully imprison me within my own sword, unlike that.. demon.

Free me, Arthas. And together, none shall stand in the way of your goals."

After that, Arthas hadn't been contacted by Ner'zul. And so he, with permission from his King, went to the Underworld to read what he can that is in any way related to Frost, Death, and Warlocks, or a being named Ner'zul.

A sigh of disappointment, and a groan of frustration following suit left the Death Knight's lips as he throws another book in the air, landing perfectly atop the tower of books by his left.

In fact, he was surrounded by towers of books. "I'm getting nowhere.." He muttered to himself. Arthas didn't liked reading and much preferred swinging his weapon. But he had to do this. Plus, some of the books were interesting in contrast to the boring textbooks back in Kuoh Academy.

The library was vast and large, and was essentially a spiraling tower of wisdom and knowledge, cultivated by the Devils over the countless centuries of their existence.

Some lower-class devils were helping him fetch the books he inquired about, stacking them to his right which were the books he hasn't read yet.

"S-sir, I found a book that might be closer to what you're looking f-for!" A timid female Devil with circular glasses came to his table, her peculiar fluffy ears twitching as they dropped a thick book that wore a great amount of dusts.

As it slammed down on the table due to its weight, a small cloud of dusts exploded, causing the two to cough and wave the dust away.

When that was over, Arthas scooched his chair a bit closer and blew off more dusts away from the book. Despite being covered in dust from being untouched for so long, the cover was barely damaged by time.

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