Chapter 8

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And thus, the once dead Fallen Angels and exiled priests were raised into undeath, their soul and will bound to Arthas, to the Lich King.

The rest of the Gremory peerage were shocked, completely in awe of the display of dark magic by the resident Knight. Knight! Not a bishop, queen, or even king. But a Knight piece is displaying necromancy. Not to mention, it was successfully performed on Fallen Angels. All of them.

"Arthas..." Rias mutters as she just stares at the undead raised by her knight, completely on guard since their enemies just got back up.

Necromancy has always been a tricky form of dark magic. Its powerful on paper, but its also a double-edged sword. If the undead breaks free from control, it will almost always target the caster— the necromancer first and foremost. 

Call it payback for bringing them back and interrupting their rest, enslaving them onto this mortal plane in their own rotting bodies.

The blonde Death Knight turns around to look at the rest of his fellow peerage, whom where all rather scared and shocked.

He would have to explain and reassure them.

"Don't worry." He started. "They're under my control now, and thus are now our allies."

"Allies?!" Issei shouted, clearly furious. Who could blame him? Arthas basically told him that the same woman, that being Raynare, who tricked and kill him which gave him trauma, is now his ally. "You can't seriously expect us— expect  me  to work with her!"

He clenches his fists and grits his teeth. "After what she did?"

"Issei, I know that there's bad blood between you two, and that she killed you, but she paid back the price. She did die. And now, she serves me, serves us." Arthas tried calming the Pawn down, whom have yet to back down.

"That's right boy, you and I are shacked up together now." Raynare finally spoke, her voice now possessing a sort of dark echo. "How about we have fun again? I really loved our date~" She teased.

"That's enough out of you. Pipe down." Arthas barked an order towards Raynare, whom submitted to it instantly, showing his control over her and subsequently, the rest of the undead before the peerage.

'That's right. Ner'zhul said that some undead may retain their original personalities.' Arthas thought, recalling the words of the Lich King when he bestowed him the gift of necromancy.

"You son of a..." Issei narrowed his eyes at Raynare, despite her already backing off at the behest of her new master.

"Issei, please, calm down." Rias gently placed a hand on the brunette's shoulder, calming him down a bit. 

"But she—" "Shh... its alright." Rias hushed him, placing her soft index finger on the boy's lips, causing him to blush. She then turns to Arthas. "Arthas, I trust that you have these... undead on a leash?"

The Death Knight nodded, and so did Rias in acknowledgement. "I see. Then let us depart. We must return to the ORC before someone else arrives here."

"You guys go on ahead. Me and my undead will clean up the rest of the bodies here that weren't reanimated." Arthas said.

"I see. Then I will see you there later." Rias and the rest of the peerage minus Arthas huddled together, where the Gremory magic circle appeared beneath them, ready to teleport them back.

Raynare mockingly winked at Issei, causing the boy to glare at her in turn. 

Then, they were away, leaving Arthas and his group of undead soldiers. The young man sighed, rubbing his temples. 

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