Chapter 6

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Arthas, as a reward for not only protecting Issei from the stray priest Freed Sellzen, but saving the innocent sister, Asia, whom got roped into all this, was eating a hearty meal. On his plate, a medium rare steak big enough to take up the whole dish. 

He also had nicely toasted loaf of bread and a much smaller plate next to it that had butter for the bread. Needless to say, he was enjoying himself.

While he was eating, Rias decided to teach Issei more about the Church, as they might go up against them more often in the future. She mainly taught him about Exorcists and Stray Exorcists, the latter simply being an exiled exorcist due to becoming sadistic as they enjoy killing Devils, and at times, people who are even remotely associated with Devils, like Issei's client. 

He didn't pay much attention it and decided to focus more on his steak. Until Rias mentioned another topic, or another unit of the Church.

"But the possibly the most dangerous members of the Church, save for angels, are Paladins."

Arthas, who was in the middle of cutting a piece of his steak, stops as his hands lowered and he shifts his face towards the others with an aloof expression, while the others also looked at him knowing his past. 

Issei noticed the stares. "Huh? Why is everyone staring at Arthas?" 

Arthas, understanding that Rias wanted him to explain this one as he had more in-depth information on Paladins, sighed. Doesn't matter, its not like he should be running away from a word.

"Paladins differ from Exorcists in the sense that instead of borrowing power from God and Angels, they use the Light itself." Arthas began explaining. 

"The Light? Wait, how is that different?" Issei asked, a bit confused.

"God and Angels are essentially also using the power of Light, and Exorcists borrow the power through them, like a medium. While Paladins use the Light directly, which is why although Paladins, mainly the Silver Hand group, ally themselves with the Church, they do not follow their beliefs. They believe in the Light, not in God."

Issei nods as intakes the information. Asia, whom sat on the same sofa as Issei perked up. "Ah yes! I've heard of them. I once saw a Paladin used his powers to heal an injured Exorcist, whom went from being incapacitated to immediately being able to fight again! It was impressive!" The nun exclaims in glee, before realizing how she sounded and looks down in embarrassment, earning a chuckle from everyone.

Arthas smiles at her. "Yes. Because they use the power of the Light directly, focus their beliefs on it, and practice the power on a daily basis, they are much more powerful than Exorcists. They are basically Special Operatives while Exorcists are just your standard soldier."

"They're more powerful, and can cast a variety of Light based spells. My... my old mentor and I could even conjure a Divine Shield, capable of protecting us from any harm for a short while, essentially making us invulnerable to most attacks."

Issei and Asia had surprised looks with mouths agape, with the former speaking up first. "Wait wait wait, YOU were a Paladin before?" Arthas simply nodded. "Wait... Arthas... Paladin... Ah! I remember now! I recall hearing rumors about you!" Asia suddenly remembers when she was still in the Church, hearing about a Paladin who was once a prodigy gone rogue and killed a group of his fellow Paladins. At least, that's how the rumors went.

Arthas had a more solemn look on his face. "Yeah... I'm THAT Arthas Menethil. The Paladin prodigy gone mad, simply because they didn't trust a single word out of my mouth because of Frostmourne."

Asia, realizing she had made Arthas upset with her comment, bows. "Ah, I'm sorry Arthas! I didn't mean to upset you." The Death Knight however, just chuckles and waves her off.

"Its fine, Asia. I know you didn't mean any harm by it."

Issei after pondering, spoke up. "Wait, what do you mean they didn't trust you because of Frostmourne?"

Arthas stood up from the table he was eating and summoned Frostmourne. "Not much is recorded or known about Frostmourne, except what became of those who wielded it. They all slowly turned mad, and looked as if they were a dead man walking. It would warp them into what they called a Death Knight. They were all once great outstanding Paladins, but the moment they awakened and summoned Frostmourne, they slowly lost themselves."

"That's why they didn't trust me. They thought that my actions were a result of that same corruption, that I wasn't that special after all. And so, they locked me up. When I escaped to live on my own away from them, they chased me down to kill me. Until one day when I was on Death's doorstep, I met Rias, who saved me. The rest if history."

The room had a more somber mood.

Noticing her kinda brought the mood down, he spoke up again, this time with more cheer in his voice as he smiles. "But, its all in the past. And besides, I love my new life now, with you guys." Hearing that brought a smile to everyone's face.

"Glad to hear it, my Knight." Rias said with a bright smile, happy and proud that she saved Arthas from a miserable fate of betrayal. 

"Hey Buchou, what are we gonna do with Asia? Won't they try and steal her back?" Issei asked, worried about the nun's safety.

The redhead hummed as she pondered. "Hmm... Good question. Its best for her to stay here at the ORC, since this building and the campus itself is well protected by both Gremory and Sitri families."

"Sitri?" Issei asked, which Rias answered. "Another time, my cute pawn. Asia will be safe with here. Arthas, do you mind staying with Asia in the ORC for her safety?"

Arthas nods. "Of course, I don't mind at all." He smiled at Asia, who smiled back.

"Then the rest of us can go back home. Goodnight everyone!" Rias dismisses the peerage, whom all said their goodbyes with another. Soon they all left, with only Arthas and Asia left, whom went to the guest room of the ORC.

"Say Arthas, is there... anything you missed back your order?" Asia asked as she climbed up the bed, now in a more comfortable nightgown. 

Arthas, whom laid the mattress down near the bed and sat down on it hummed in thought. He didn't mind the question. "I guess... I miss my home. The estate my father owns called Lordaeron, was a large estate that a wonderful landscape."

"Wow... can you tell me more?" Asia asked as she laid down on the guest room's bed. 

Arthas nodded. The room was dark, with only the bedside lamp illuminating their area. "Our estate was the largest out of the 7 main estates that formed the Arathor, an alliance of the 7 estates that work together with the Church and is heavily involved in the Moonlit world of the Supernatural. Lordaeron had the largest estate, perhaps only rivaled by Ironforge."

"It was the best place to horse ride, due to the well-kept landscape that stretched on for several miles that it might as well be considered a country. To the outside world, our estate is simply a source of goods in the form of livestock, vegetables, and wine."

Arthas kept talking on about his old home that he missed so dearly. Asia listened and enjoyed his storytelling, like how a father would to his daughter. She felt warm and happy, as she slowly drifted off to sleep.

Seeing this, Arthas smiled as he turns the bedside lamp off. 

"Goodnight, Asia. Sweet dreams." He whispers to the now asleep nun as he lays back on his mattress. The nun felt like a younger sister to him. It reminded him of his own sister. He wonders how she's doing now.

He lets out a sigh as he ponders how things could have gone if he had just been more patient and less impulsive. If he wasn't arrested and locked up for a misunderstanding, that what he did was saving the order from traitors. 

But because he wielded Frostmourne, because he was the owner of this Sacred Gear, they deemed him untrustworthy. 

He shook his head as he closes his eyes.

There was no reason to ponder about the past now. 

He's in a better place, with good friends whom he considers his new family. 
That's right. He's happy now. Content.
He is no longer discriminated against because of the sword his owns. To them, he was simply their friend and comrade. 


Short Chapter since I'm busy with College and its currently Exam week for me. I'll try to write a longer chapter next time lol.

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