Chapter 7

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"Hello everyone! My name is Asia Argento, hope we get along!" The blonde nun introduces herself before the class, wearing the Kuoh Academy uniform. The class cheers on, happy to see a new transfer student arrive who is a total cutie.

After being saved from the clutches of Fallen Angels last night, Rias decided to have the young nun enrolled to the academy, to take the nun under her wing. She sympathized with her situation, but also thought that Issei would be happy with the idea.

Would be a good way to motivate the pawn to improve himself, given his close connection with the sister.

"Are you a foreigner, Asia?" A male student asked, noticing how she looks different from others, and how her Japanese wasn't as confident or clear. Arthas contemplates if there is a magic similar to the language aid of Devils that Asia could use without converting.

Or just teach her the old fashion way.

The blonde sister nods with a smile. "Y-yes, I am. My Japanese isn't good, but I hope to improve so I can better bond with you all!" She says with as much confidence as she can muster. 

This warms everyone's heart as they felt the warm innocent light suddenly radiating from Asia, causing them to give words of encouragement and kindness. The two Devils in the room smile at this.

"Wait, if you're a foreigner, do you have any connections with Arthas?" A female student asked, and suddenly all gaze were at the Death Knight, who sweatdrop at the sudden attention. "Uh-"

"He's my friend, so is Issei! I actually kinda live with him for the time being." Asia answers, unaware of how it sounded out of context. 

Silence befalls. Then an uproar.


"Ah, we're not-" Asia answers innocently, confused by their uproar. This only adds fuel to the flame.

Arthas just rubs his temple in annoyance, sighing as Issei just sat there baffled at the class' reaction, thinking its kinda overkill. 

"Alright alright, settle down already!" The homeroom teacher finally decides to intervene while smacking the board, making a loud noise. The class settles down eventually. 

"Asia, you can go take the sit next to Arthas then." The blonde sister nods as she makes her way to the seat, sitting down and smiling at Arthas and Issei, who smiled back.

This was an eventful morning. But it was nice.
This was a good thing for Asia, as she had nowhere left to go after being excommunicated by the Church, and she doesn't want to be associated with the Fallen Angels either, especially after what Freed did to Issei's client. 

Last night after Arthas rescued Asia and brought her to the ORC, as well as before the whole explaining the former's past, the latter told hers. How she was once praised as a saint for her Sacred Gear that healed.

That was, until she healed a man who was apparently a Devil. Suddenly, in an instant, the Church turned their back on her. People called her a heretic. A witch. 

They exiled her for her gift that she was born with.

Just like how they exiled him.

This brought them closer, like siblings. Foreigners who once served the Church almost their entire life, until they were betrayed for their gifts, and exiled. At least Asia wasn't hunted down by the Church like Arthas was.

So he'll protect her. He may no longer be a Paladin, but he still has virtues of one, and wouldn't turn away from someone in need. Especially not someone like Asia. 

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